Awards and Accolades
Evergreen School District In The News
Evergreen community breaks ground on sidewalk project along U.S. 2
Sidewalk construction in Evergreen slated to begin this week
Evergreen School Focuses on Providing Quality Early Education
Flathead Electric Co-op Awards $386,900 in Community Education Grants
Evergreen School focuses on providing quality early education
Clinic Increases Access to Health Care at Evergreen School District
Evergreen Students Lead The Way With Pitches Designed to Improve Their Schools
Evergreen crossing guard has been helping kids cross the highway for 26 years (KPAX)
Evergreen School District looks to avoid burnout amid substitute shortage (NBC News)
Evergreen sidewalk project moves forward (NBC News)
Evergreen administrator honored for work in special education
School-based health clinics open to students in Kalispell, Evergreen
Evergreen administrator honored as superintendent of the year