Preschool/Early Literacy Programs

The positive impact of quality early childhood services can be lifelong. We are fortunate at Evergreen School District to have rich opportunities for early childhood education including Kindergarten, Early Literacy, and Special Needs Preschool classes. Each of these educational settings is focused on early literacy development and considers the needs of young children for developmentally appropriate learning experiences. We provide services to children ages 3-5 who are identified as eligible for special services in Evergreen and throughout the rural Flathead Valley through interlocal agreements. Individual schedules vary according to the child's needs in order to access appropriate services.
Our full-time professional staff includes:
Dawn Black, Special Needs Preschool Teacher
Lisa Lake, Early Literacy Teacher
Debbie Wright, Early Literacy Teacher
Erin Keithly, Speech Language Pathologist
We are also fortunate to have skilled and dedicated paraprofessionals in each classroom. We contract therapy services related to occupational, any physical therapy.
As the Special Services Director at Evergreen, I welcome your questions, concerns, or comments. Please don't hesitate to contact me at (406) 751-1111 or my email:
Melissa Hardman
Special Services Director
Telephone Numbers
East Evergreen Elementary (406) 751-1121
Evergreen Special Services Administration (406) 751-1111
Schedule and Participation Factors
Preschool Serving Children with Special Needs:
Morning Preschool
8:25 - 10:55 a.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Afternoon Preschool
12:00 - 2:55 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Factors for Participation/Placement in Preschool Serving Children with Special Needs
The child resides within the boundaries of Evergreen or Bigfork School Districts.
The child has been determined eligible for special education services according to IDEA.
The need for special instruction in a special education setting is established through the IDEA evaluation process and is identified as a necessary service in the child's individualized evaluation plan (IEP).
The child is 3 to 5 years of age (if 5 after September 10).
Early Literacy
Monday - Friday
8:25 - 2:55 p.m
Factors for Participation/Placement in Early Literacy
Evergreen resident children age 4-5 years old.
Exceptional circumstances are evident. The Board of Trustees declares the following to be qualifying “exceptional circumstances” within the meaning of the term as used in 20-5-101. The District defines exceptional circumstances as those students who fall under the provisions of IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Free and Reduced Lunch, Limited English Proficiency, Gifted and Talented, homeless students, or other circumstances which merit waiving the age requirement (i.e. screening results indicating possible at-risk status for developmental challenges or exceptionality, including documented trauma, mental health diagnosis, or familial circumstances).
The child lacks access to appropriate early childhood/kindergarten experiences.
The child's IEP team recommends placement requiring access to typically developing peers and kindergarten curriculum as the least restrictive environment.
School board approval is required for enrollment and participation.
Professional Development
CSEFEL/Pyramid Model Intervention
Weekly consultation (communication, therapy, positive behavior intervention)
Teacher coaching and evaluation of instructional practices
Home visit orientation
Montana Kindergarten Content Standards
Language for Learning
Phonological Awareness
Wonders/Go Math/Adapted Opening the Word of Learning
Community Experiences
Family Literacy