COVID-19 Plans and Update Center
Updates to Required COVID-19 Plans - May 1, 2023
Evergreen Families,
As part of the requirements for funding received to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19, we are again providing information and updates on our plans and procedures. We continue to welcome and encourage your input on all plans and procedures. Our updated Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan for COVID-19, including our plans for allocating federal funds received as a result of the pandemic, will be shared and recommended for approval at the June 14, 2023 Board Meeting. We will continue to review this plan at least monthly for the foreseeable future. At the June 14, 2023 Board Meeting, we will also share and recommend approval for our updated Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) American Rescue Plan (ARP) Plan, which are also referenced and explained in the first plan above.
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support.
Best regards,
Updates to Required COVID-19 Plans November 17, 2022
Evergreen Families,
As part of the requirements for funding received to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19, we are again providing information and updates on our plans and procedures. We continue to welcome and encourage your input on all plans and procedures.
Our updated Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan for COVID-19, including our plans for allocating federal funds received as a result of the pandemic, will be shared and recommended for approval at the December 14, 2022 Board Meeting. We will continue to review this plan at least monthly for the foreseeable future. At the December 14, 2022 Board Meeting, we will also share and recommend approval for our updated Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) American Rescue Plan (ARP) Plan, which is also referenced and explained in the first plan above.
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support.
Best regards,
Required Updates to COVID-19 Plans May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
Evergreen Families,
As part of the requirements for funding received to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19, we are again providing information and updates on our plans and procedures. We continue to welcome and encourage your input on all plans and procedures.
COVID-19 Updates
Our updated Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan for COVID-19, including our plans for allocating federal funds received as a result of the pandemic, and our updated Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) American Rescue Plan (ARP) Plan, which is also referenced and explained in the first plan above, will be submitted to the board of trustees at our regularly scheduled June 8, 2022 board meeting for re-approval. Plans must be reviewed each month and re-approved every six months through September 2023. These plans are also posted on our website for public review.
At the June 8, 2022 board meeting, a recommendation will be made to no longer be in any Phase for COVID-19. (We are currently in Phase III of our COVID-19 Operational Phases.)
We continue to follow Flathead City-County Health Department guidance and direction regarding isolation of affected individuals within our schools.
We ask that students and staff please stay home if they are sick.
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Updates March 1, 2022
March 1, 2022
Evergreen Families,
It's difficult to believe I sent our first message to families and staff regarding COVID-19 two years ago this week. Now 134 COVID-19 messages later, I am pleased to say we are closer to normal operations than ever. Please know that we remain aware and cautious (and ask that you please continue to keep students home if they are sick), but we are also optimistic and hopeful that the worst is behind us.
Below are some COVID-19 updates.
COVID-19 Cases
Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data 2020-2021
Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data 2021-2022
No Face Coverings on Buses
"Effective February 25, 2022, CDC does not require wearing of masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems, including early care and education/child care programs."
Free COVID-19 Testing Site
Ashley Square Mall
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Thank you for your continued partnership these past two years. As challenging as they have been, the teamwork, kindness, innovation, and flexibility shown by all have allowed us to to keep our schools safe and open.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Updates January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
Evergreen Families,
Please see COVID-19 updates below.
Flathead City-County Health Department Press Release
Memo to Schools Regarding Quarantine 1-26-2022
Free COVID-19 Testing Sites
Snappy's Parking Lot (anticipates reopening end of week)
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m-11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m-7:00 p.m.
Ashley Square Mall
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to keep our schools safe and open.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Testing Updates January 19, 2022
January 19, 2022
Evergreen Families,
As you know, late last summer eight school districts in the Flathead Valley collaborated on a Montana state funded grant through the Governor's office to establish COVID-19 Rapid testing sites. Numerous students, staff, and their families have utilized these free testing sites over the past several months. We project that our combined grant funds will allow our clinics to operate as normal through May.
However, over the next few days, we expect a shortage of available tests at our free testing sites. The surge in active COVID-19 cases and increased demand for testing have created a temporary national shortage of rapid COVID-19 tests. Last Friday, we began limiting free testing at our sites to just staff and students. Even with limited testing, we will likely run out of available tests for students today, but we hope to resume testing for students on Thursday or Friday of this week, as we are expecting a delivery of tests soon. As a reminder, we ask that students and staff please stay home if they are feeling sick.
Free COVID-19 Testing Sites
Snappy's Parking Lot
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m-11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m-7:00 p.m.
Ashley Square Mall
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Flathead County Fairgrounds - 4H Building
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Also, each residential household in the U.S. may order one set of four (4) free at-home tests from COVID Home Tests | USPS. Orders expect to be shipped in late January.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to keep our schools safe and open.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Updates January 5, 2022
January 5, 2022
Evergreen Families,
Please see the updated Isolation and Quarantine Memo to Schools from the Flathead City-County Health Department (FCCHD). You may also check the FCCHD website for additional information.
As a reminder, free testing/screening for COVID-19 is available as updated below. Testing will not take place without parent/guardian approval.
Snappy's Parking Lot
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m-11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m-7:00 p.m.
Ashley Square Mall
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Flathead County Fairgrounds - 4H Building
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Updates January 3, 2022
January 3, 2022
Evergreen Families,
Happy New Year, and welcome back! Below are some important updates.
COVID-19 Updates
We remain in Phase III of our COVID-19 Operational Phases.
We continue to follow Flathead City-County Health Department (FCCHD) guidance and direction regarding isolation and quarantine of affected individuals within our schools. Please check with FCCHD for updated guidance.
We ask that students and staff please stay home if they are sick.
Please check our website COVID-19 Plans and Update Center regularly for updates.
COVID-19 vaccines are available for individuals ages 5 and older. The Evergreen Cares Clinic located at East Evergreen Elementary School is offering the pediatric COVID-19 vaccines on Thursday mornings. Evergreen families may call to schedule an appointment at 406-607-4900. Vaccine Appointments are also available through the Flathead City-County Health Department.
Free testing/screening for COVID-19 is available as updated below. Testing will not take place without parent/guardian approval.
Snappy's Parking Lot
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m-11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m-7:00 p.m.
Ashley Square Mall
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Flathead County Fairgrounds - 4H Building
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support.
Best regards,
Happy Holidays and Updates
December 17, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We'd like to say a special thank you to our Evergreen students, families, staff, and community. Our work together continues to support our students and their success. We wish all of you a safe, healthy, and enjoyable holiday season!
Below are a few updates:
Holiday Break
Students and staff will be out of school December 18-January 2 and will return on Monday, January 3, 2022.
COVID-19 Updates
For the first time since school began this year, last week we had zero positive cases reported on campus, and we currently have zero active cases reported on campus this week.
Our updated Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan for COVID-19, including our plans for allocating federal funds received as a result of the pandemic and our updated Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) American Rescue Plan (ARP) Plan, which is also referenced and explained in the first plan above, were approved at the December 8, 2021 Board Meeting. These plans are also posted on our website for public review.
We remain in Phase III of our COVID-19 Operational Phases.
We continue to follow Flathead City-County Health Department guidance and direction regarding isolation and quarantine of affected individuals within our schools.
We ask that students and staff please stay home if they are sick.
Please check our website COVID-19 Plans and Update Center regularly for updates.
COVID-19 vaccines are available for individuals ages 5 and older. The Evergreen Cares Clinic located at East Evergreen Elementary School is offering the pediatric COVID-19 vaccines on Thursday mornings. Evergreen families may call to schedule an appointment at 406-607-4900. Vaccine Appointments are also available through the Flathead City-County Health Department.
Free testing/screening for COVID-19 is available as listed below. Testing will not take place without parent/guardian approval.
East Location
Snappy's Parking Lot
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m.
West Location
KidSport Parking Lot
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m.
Central Location
Flathead County Fairgrounds - 4H Building
Monday - Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Best regards,
FCCHD Press Release for Vaccine Clinic
November 22, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Below is a link to a Flathead City-County Health Department press release regarding an upcoming vaccine clinic.
The Evergreen Cares Clinic located at East Evergreen Elementary School is also offering the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine on Thursday mornings. Evergreen families may call to schedule an appointment at 406-607-4900.
Best regards,
Updates to Required COVID-19 Plans November 18, 2021
November 18, 2021
Evergreen Families,
As part of the requirements for funding received to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19, we are again providing information and updates on our plans and procedures. We continue to welcome and encourage your input on all plans and procedures.
COVID-19 Updates
Our updated Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan for COVID-19, including our plans for allocating federal funds received as a result of the pandemic, will be shared and recommended for approval at the December 8, 2021 Board Meeting. We will continue to review this plan at least monthly for the foreseeable future. At the December 8, 2021 Board Meeting, we will also share and recommend approval for our updated Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) American Rescue Plan (ARP) Plan, which is also referenced and explained in the first plan above.
We remain in Phase III of our COVID-19 Operational Phases.
We continue to follow Flathead City-County Health Department guidance and direction regarding isolation and quarantine of affected individuals within our schools.
We ask that students and staff please stay home if they are sick.
Please check our website COVID-19 Plans and Update Center regularly for updates.
COVID-19 vaccines are available for individuals ages 5 and older. The Evergreen Cares Clinic located at East Evergreen Elementary School is offering the pediatric COVID-19 vaccines on Thursday mornings. Evergreen families may call to schedule an appointment at 406-607-4900. Vaccine Appointments are also available through the Flathead City-County Health Department.
Free testing/screening for COVID-19 is available as listed below. Testing will not take place without parent/guardian approval.
East Location
Snappy's Parking Lot
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m. AND 4:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m.
West Location
KidSport Parking Lot
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. AND 4:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m.
Central Location
Flathead County Fairgrounds - 4H Building
Monday - Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support.
Best regards
Evergreen School District Updates November 10, 2021
November 10, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We have wrapped up the first quarter of school and continue to be thankful to serve over 700 students in our community!
Website and Social Media
For the most up-to-date District information, please see our District website.
You may also download an app for the District website on your phone by clicking on the link at the bottom of the homepage on the website or by searching in the Apple or Android App Store for Evergreen School District (you'll see our logo).
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (click on icons at the bottom of this message).
COVID-19 Updates
We continue to welcome and encourage your input on our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans COVID-19, including our plans for allocating federal funds received as a result of the pandemic. We will continue to review this plan at least monthly for the foreseeable future.
We remain in Phase III of our COVID-19 Operational Phases.
We continue to follow Flathead City-County Health Department guidance and direction regarding isolation and quarantine of affected individuals within our schools.
We ask that students and staff please stay home if they are sick.
Please check our website COVID-19 Plans and Update Center regularly for updates.
COVID-19 vaccines are available for individuals ages 5 and older. The Evergreen Cares Clinic located at East Evergreen Elementary School is offering the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine on Thursday mornings beginning November 18. Evergreen families may call to schedule an appointment at 406-607-4900. Vaccine Appointments are also available through the Flathead City-County Health Department.
Please reach out to individual schools or the District office with any questions you may have.
Upcoming Dates
November 11: Parent/Teacher Conferences – 4-7pm – Full Day Student Attendance
November 17: Parent/Teacher Conferences – 8:30-11:30 am, 12-4 pm, 5-7 pm – No School
November 23: Early Release 1:45 pm East, 2:00 pm JH,CR
November 24-26: Thanksgiving Break – No School
December 8: Early Release 1:45 pm East, 2:00 pm JH,CR
December 20-31: Christmas Break – No School
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support.
Best regards,
PACK After School Support
October 19, 2021
Evergreen Families,
The Evergreen School District is excited to announce a new after school academic support program called PACK. PACK is designed to offer students, on a voluntary basis, the opportunity for academic tutoring and support with classwork, school projects, independent learning, and homework. PACK will be a structured setting, and students will be expected to follow school guidelines.
The first day of PACK will be on Monday, October 25. PACK will meet in the school library of each building at the times listed below. Upon the completion of PACK each day, staff will escort students to the front doors of the school where we ask that students are picked up promptly. There will be no PACK on early release days, holidays, PIR days, or Parent Teacher Conference Days.
Dates and Times
East Evergreen Elementary School
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
3:10-4:10 p.m. in the Library
Evergreen Junior High School
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Library
Evergreen Crossroads Program
Included during Regular School Day
We are excited to be able to offer this new opportunity for our students and look forward to supporting their academic needs!
Best regards,
Free COVID-19 Testing Available
October 6, 2021
Evergreen Families,
In partnership with each other, several Flathead Valley schools and the Evergreen School District are excited to announce the availability of free testing/screening for COVID-19 beginning Monday, October 11. In an effort to accommodate family schedules, the schools will have three COVID-19 testing sites available for staff, students, and parents. The tests available include BinaxNow rapid test and PCR COVID-19 screening tests.
Having these three off campus testing sites available will allow us to quickly diagnose and process confirmed COVID-19 positive cases. Additionally, while operating within the updated CDC guidelines, we will be able to test quarantined individuals. This testing could shorten quarantine time and give quarantined individuals the ability to return to school or work sooner.
We have identified three testing sites, which we hope will provide easy accessibility for families from all of our districts. Our intent is to provide an "East," a "Northwest," and a "Central" testing site at a variety of before work, after work, and weekend hours in order to accommodate busy family schedules.
Beginning Monday, October 11, testing will be available at the following sites and times:
East Location
Snappy's Parking Lot
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m. AND 4:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m.
West Location
KidSport Parking Lot
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. AND 4:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m.
Central Location
Flathead County Fairgrounds - 4H Building
Monday - Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Testing will not take place without parent/guardian approval. We hope you find these additional testing options helpful for your family. Each testing site will have additional information for you based on the results and circumstances of each person's COVID-19 test.
Best regards,
Evergreen School District Updates September 10, 2021
September 10, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We are excited to have completed the first two weeks of school! We have welcomed over 700 students and are excited to continue to offer academics; socialization; breakfast and lunch; social, emotional, and mental health services; athletics; arts; and activities!
Website and Social Media
For the most up-to-date District information, please see our updated District website. You may also download an app for the District website on your phone by clicking on the link at the bottom of the homepage on the website or by searching in the Apple or Android App Store for Evergreen School District (you'll see our logo). You may also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (click on icons at the bottom of this message).
COVID-19 Safe Return to Schools and Continuity of Services Plan
At the June 9, 2021 Evergreen School District Board of Trustees meeting, the board approved our plan to safely reopen schools and provide continuity of services to students. You may read the full plan here: Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans COVID-19. We continue to welcome and encourage your input on our plan, including our plans for allocating federal funds received as a result of the pandemic. We will continue to review this plan at least monthly for the foreseeable future.
COVID-19 Operational Phase III
We are currently in Phase III of our COVID-19 Operational Phases. Phase III, among other things,
Makes face coverings at the discretion of each individual.
The Evergreen School District will not be mandating masks at this time but strongly recommends that individuals refer to state and federal guidelines and consult with their healthcare provider regarding face coverings. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) currently recommends universal indoor masking for all school teachers, staff, students, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status.
All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings on district school buses, regardless of vaccination status. This requirement is a federal mandate for public transportation, including public school buses. The Evergreen School District will comply with any federal, state, or county health mandates.
Staff, students, and families are asked to be respectful of others relating to individual choices regarding face coverings. Allegations of harassment directed toward masked or unmasked individuals will be promptly investigated and subject to discipline in accordance with District policy.
Our priority is keeping our schools open and maintaining in-person instruction. Thus, if active COVID-19 cases increase to the point of threatening school closures, the superintendent has authority to implement additional mitigation strategies, including a requirement for face coverings in identified buildings as warranted.
Supports a layered approach to COVID-19 mitigation efforts, including:
Vaccinations (not required)
Face coverings (not required)
Maximizing physical distancing to the greatest extent possible
Teaching and encouraging regular hand washing
Additional cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing
Increased air filtration
Providing illness and temperature screening when needed
Encouraging staff and students to stay home when feeling ill
Maintaining grade level student cohorts as much as possible, minimizing mixed groups
COVID-19 Isolations and Quarantines
The Evergreen School District will follow Flathead City-County Health Department (FCCHD) guidance and direction regarding isolation and quarantine of affected individuals within our schools. If a staff member or student tests positive for COVID-19 or is a close contact of someone who tests positive for COVID-19, directives will be given by the FCCHD. If your child is isolated or quarantined, please contact your child's school to set up learning opportunities for the time your child is not on campus; if your child needs a Chromebook at home to help complete learning opportunities, please be sure to let your child's school know of this need when you call.
COVID-19 Health Screenings
Please stay home if you are sick. BEFORE arriving on an Evergreen campus school site, parents, students, and staff should ask themselves the following questions about anyone who will be arriving on campus:
Is my temperature 100.0 or higher?
Has my temperature been 100.0 or higher in the past 24 hours?
Do I have any symptoms of illness?
These may be but are not limited to: coughing, headache, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest or nasal congestion, earache, swollen glands, new loss of taste or smell.
If you answer YES to any of the following, please stay home and seek healthcare provider guidance if symptoms worsen or you need treatment. Please also note that symptom screening may be performed by any staff member as well once a student arrives on campus.
COVID-19 Indicators Updates
Beginning next week, the District will post COVID-19 indicators updates on our website each Wednesday (instead of sending school and family notifications and sending weekly emails). With the current number of cases in the county, there is often difficulty in confirming cases, and we want to make sure we only share out accurate, confirmed information. Please check our website COVID-19 Plans and Update Center regularly for updates. You may also reach out to individual schools or the District office with any questions you may have.
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support. We look forward to a great year together!
Best regards,
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year!
August 27, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We are excited to welcome students to the 2021-2022 school year!
Website and Social Media
For the most up-to-date District information, please see our updated District website. You may also download an app for the District website on your phone by clicking on the link at the bottom of the homepage on the website or by searching in the Apple or Android App Store for Evergreen School District (you'll see our logo). You may also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (click on icons at the bottom of this message).
COVID-19 Operational Phase III
We are currently in Phase III of our COVID-19 Operational Phases. Phase III, among other things,
Makes face coverings at the discretion of each individual.
The Evergreen School District will not be mandating masks at this time but strongly recommends that individuals refer to state and federal guidelines and consult with their healthcare provider regarding face coverings. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) currently recommends universal indoor masking for all school teachers, staff, students, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status.
All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings on district school buses, regardless of vaccination status. This requirement is a federal mandate for public transportation, including public school buses. The Evergreen School District will comply with any federal, state, or county health mandates.
Staff, students, and families are asked to be respectful of others relating to individual choices regarding face coverings. Allegations of harassment directed toward masked or unmasked individuals will be promptly investigated and subject to discipline in accordance with District policy.
Our priority is keeping our schools open and maintaining in-person instruction. Thus, if active COVID-19 cases increase to the point of threatening school closures, the superintendent has authority to implement additional mitigation strategies, including a requirement for face coverings in identified buildings as warranted.
Supports a layered approach to COVID-19 mitigation efforts, including:
Vaccinations (not required)
Face coverings (not required)
Maximizing physical distancing to the greatest extent possible
Teaching and encouraging regular hand washing
Additional cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing
Increased air filtration
Providing illness and temperature screening when needed
Encouraging staff and students to stay home when feeling ill
Maintaining grade level student cohorts as much as possible, minimizing mixed groups
COVID-19 Isolations and Quarantines
Please see updated Flathead City-County Health Department (FCCHD) Isolation and Quarantine Protocols for Schools 8-24-2021. The Evergreen School District will follow FCCHD guidance and direction regarding isolation and quarantine of affected individuals within our schools.
Thank you again for your ongoing support. We look forward to seeing our 1st-8th grade students on the first day of school on Monday, August 30!
Best regards,
Evergreen School District Updates August 2021
August 12, 2021
Evergreen Families,
As we prepare to begin another successful school year, we are still very mindful of the COVID-19 virus and its impact on our communities. However, we are also hopeful that we will have a more traditional school experience this year. With that goal in mind, we want to update you on our current plans, realizing that our plans may need to change based on school and community needs.
The health and safety of our staff, students, and community remain our top priority. In collaboration with school leaders in the Flathead Valley and our COVID Advisory Council (COVID Advisory Council Letter), we continue to closely monitor our county data and will continue discussing developing guidance and recommendations that we receive from federal, state, and local health authorities.
Safe Return to Schools and Continuity of Services Plan
At the June 9, 2021 Evergreen School District Board of Trustees meeting, the board approved our plan to safely reopen schools and provide continuity of services to students. You may read the full plan here: Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans COVID-19. We continue to welcome and encourage your input on our plan, including our plans for allocating federal funds received as a result of the pandemic. We will continue to review this plan at least monthly for the foreseeable future.
Operational Phase III
At the June 9, 2021 Evergreen School District Board of Trustees meeting, you will also notice that on page 8 of the above plan, the board approved moving the District to Phase III of our COVID-19 Operational Phases. Currently, we remain in Phase III, and we hope to be able to open school in Phase III. Phase III, among other things,
Makes face coverings at the discretion of each individual.
The Evergreen School District will not be mandating masks at this time but strongly recommends that individuals refer to state and federal guidelines and consult with their healthcare provider regarding face coverings. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) currently recommends universal indoor masking for all school teachers, staff, students, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status.
All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings on district school buses, regardless of vaccination status. This requirement is a federal mandate for public transportation, including public school buses. The Evergreen School District will comply with any federal, state, or county health mandates.
Staff, students, and families are asked to be respectful of others relating to individual choices regarding face coverings. Allegations of harassment directed toward masked or unmasked individuals will be promptly investigated and subject to discipline in accordance with District policy.
Our priority is keeping our schools open and maintaining in-person instruction. Thus, if active COVID-19 cases increase to the point of threatening school closures, the superintendent has authority to implement additional mitigation strategies, including a requirement for face coverings in identified buildings as warranted.
Supports a layered approach to COVID-19 mitigation efforts, including:
Vaccinations (not required)
Face coverings (not required)
Maximizing physical distancing to the greatest extent possible
Teaching and encouraging regular hand washing
Additional cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing
Increased air filtration
Providing illness and temperature screening when needed
Encouraging staff and students to stay home when feeling ill
Maintaining grade level student cohorts as much as possible, minimizing mixed groups
Requiring isolation and quarantines when deemed necessary (in collaboration with Flathead City-County Health Department)
Maintaining deputized contact tracers on school staff
COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures for 2021-2022
Our COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures continue to be in effect and will continue to be updated if and as needed.
COVID-19 Isolations and Quarantines
Protocols related to COVID-19 isolations and quarantines (COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Protocols) remain in effect for the 2021-2022 school year. These protocols are established by the CDC and required by the Flathead City-County Health Department (FCCHD). Current protocols include some updates based on vaccination status. The Evergreen School District will support FCCHD guidance and direction regarding isolation and quarantine of affected individuals within our schools.
In-Person Instruction
Fully maximizing the highest quality in-person instruction will be our focus this year. As a result, the full remote learning plan that was in place last year will not be offered this year. Accommodations will be extended to students and staff who are required to stay home due to COVID-19 related reasons.
We remain focused on our mission to enable students to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners by ensuring quality instruction in a nurturing environment. We are hopeful that our plan will provide an appropriate level of safety and respect within our school community while also allowing for a return to a more traditional school year for our school communities. We will continue to monitor COVID-19 activity within our schools and adjust our plans if and as needed.
We continue to be grateful for the support and respect our community has shown over the past 17 months of this global pandemic. We look forward to our continued partnership, and we thank you for your support as we continue to navigate COVID-19 and its impact on our schools and communities.
We look forward to seeing our students and families at Student Experience Day on Friday, August 27 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. and our students on the first day of school on Monday, August 30!
Best regards,
COVID-19 Plans and Updates, Move to Phase III, Summer Lunch, Health Clinic
June 10, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We did it! Thank you to everyone for helping ensure that our students had access to in-person, on-site learning for 177 of 177 days this year, an impressive accomplishment in this unprecedented year.
Safe Return to Schools and Continuity of Services Plan
At last night's regularly scheduled board meeting, the board approved our plan that is required to be posted on our website that shows we have a plan to safely reopen schools and provide continuity of services to students. It is required as part of receiving some of our federal ESSER funding. Since we already opened and provided continuous services, it's more of a summary of what we've done with a few future items. You may read the full plan here: Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans COVID-19 Summary 2020-2021 School Year
Moving to Operational Phase III
You will also notice that on page 8 of the above plan, the board approved moving the District to Phase III of our Operational Phases (see page 6 of COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures), which is effectively immediately and is in place for all summer school activities. Phase III, among other things,
Makes Face Coverings at Discretion of Each Individual
Requires Continued Additional Hand Washing
Requires Continued Increased Physical Distancing (traditional instructional strategies with maximized spacing)
Requires Continued Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
Allows that Administration May Move Back and Forth between Phases Based on Current Indicators
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending June 5, 2021
Summer Meal Program
We will again have the Summer Meal Program in Evergreen! It will be Monday through Friday each week June 16-August 20 (except July 5 due to holiday).
Evergreen Junior High School Parking Lot: 11:00-11:15 a.m.
Sheriff's Posse Parking Lot: 11:20-11:35 a.m.
Evergreen Cares Health Clinic
Evergreen Cares Clinic, a service of Greater Valley Health Center, is your partner in health. We are open this summer at Evergreen Junior High School June 14-July 26 on most Mondays and Thursdays. We will be back to our clinic at East Evergreen Elementary School in August. Call 406-607-4900 for an appointment. The clinic provides immunizations, sports physicals, prescriptions, and more. We’re open for Evergreen families, too! See more at Evergreen Cares Clinic Summer 2021 Information.
With the start of summer, we'll be taking a break from our weekly COVID-19 updates. Thank you for partnering with us during this challenging year. We wish you a safe, healthy, and happy summer break, and we'll see our students back on Monday, August 30!
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update June 2, 2021
June 2, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We're almost there--four days to go before we've completed a full year of on-site learning during a global pandemic. Thanks for all of your efforts that have made it possible!
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
COVID-19 Vaccines
All Montanans aged 12 and older are eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccine appointments. If you are interested in receiving a free COVID-19 vaccine, please submit an online vaccine request form, and a Flathead City-County Health Department staff member will call to schedule your vaccination appointment. All COVID-19 vaccine patients who are minors will need consent from a parent or legal guardian to receive a vaccine.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending May 29, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
On behalf of the entire staff and the Board of Trustees of the Evergreen School District, we thank you for your continued support this year and wish you and your family a safe, healthy, and happy summer.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Looking for something fun and educational to do this summer? Check out the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Lemonade Day Program!
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending May 22, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We're almost there! Year end activities are beginning, and we're excited to celebrate a successful year with all of our students in the coming weeks.
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending May 15, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update May 12, 2021
May 12, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We have 18 school days to go before we begin our Summer Experience for different opportunities for students as needed. You'll receive information from different programs for which your student may qualify.
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending May 8, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We'd like to give another big shout out to all of the great Evergreen staff during National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 3-7! Please join us in sharing your appreciation. A short note or other token of appreciation can go a long way in letting others know we appreciate them!
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending May 1, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021
Evergreen Junior High Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a notification from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021
Evergreen Families,
National Teacher Appreciation Week is next week, May 3-7. We are so thankful to all of our Evergreen staff for the work they do with students each day. Please join us in sharing your appreciation. A short note or other token of appreciation can go a long way in letting others know we appreciate them!
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending April 24, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update April 21, 2021
April 21, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Thanks for your continued partnership during this challenging year. We are currently planning for summer programming, including Fitness Team and Altacare, and we will share more on those and other summer experience opportunities in the coming weeks.
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending April 10, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update April 14, 2021
April 14, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Let's keep it up!
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending April 10, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Let's try this again! The wrong link was inserted in the last email. But, it's still 4th quarter, the sun is still shining, and we're still in school
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending April 3, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update March 31, 2021
March 31, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Welcome back from what we hope was a restful and enjoyable spring break! In a year that has been filled with many challenges and unprecedented times, it's exciting to see spring arriving, the sun shining, and 4th quarter right around the corner. Our 3rd quarter ends next Tuesday, April 6, and we look forward to a strong finish with our staff and students!
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending March 27, 2021
Thank you for your continued proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending March 13, 2021
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
We wish you all a safe, healthy, happy, and well deserved spring break!
Best regards,
Wednesday Early Releases, 2021-2022 Calendar, Perception Survey
March 11, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Early Release Wednesdays Approved
Based on continued staff and student needs during this pandemic, at the board meeting last night, the board of trustees approved early release Wednesdays through the end of the school year.
District Calendar Approved
Also at the board meeting last night, the board of trustees approved our District Calendar 2021-2022.
Annual Parent and Guardian Perception Survey
If you have not already, please complete the Parent and Guardian Perception Survey by this Friday, March 12, 2021. Each family should complete this survey just once, even if you have multiple children in different schools within the district. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to continuing to work together to help our district grow.
Thank you for your continued partnership during this past year that has brought so many changes and challenges. This year has also brought many innovations and successes, and we continue to celebrate having school onsite available for all students. Today marks 120 days with our buildings open this year! Thank you all for making it possible.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update March 10, 2021
March 10. 2021
Evergreen Families,
Annual Parent and Guardian Perception Survey
If you have not already, please complete the Parent and Guardian Perception Survey by this Friday, March 12, 2021. Each family should complete this survey just once, even if you have multiple children in different schools within the district. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to continuing to work together to help our district grow.
Early Release Wednesdays
Based on continued staff and student needs during this pandemic, at the board meeting this evening, we will be recommending to the board of trustees that early release Wednesdays continue through the end of the school year.
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending March 6, 2021
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Evergreen Junior High Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update March 3, 2021 and Early Release Wednesdays
March 3, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Early Release Wednesdays
Based on continued staff and student needs during this pandemic, at the March 10 board meeting, we will be recommending to the board of trustees that early release Wednesdays continue through the end of the school year.
Evergreen Cares Clinic
The health clinic is available to Evergreen staff and all students enrolled in the Evergreen School District: Evergreen Cares Clinic Information.
Hours of Operation:
Mondays: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Thursdays: 8:20–11:20 a.m.
Schedule a Visit:
751-8113: Flathead Community Health Center (to make an appointment)
751-1116: Evergreen Cares Clinic (during operational hours)
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending February 27, 202
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification February 25, 2021
February 25, 2021
East Evergreen Elementary Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on February 24, 2021
February 24, 2021
Evergreen Families
We continue to be very grateful that we have been able to keep our buildings open for on-site learning, meals, socialization, activites, athletics, physical activity, music, arts, etc. Let's keep up the good work
Addition Hand Washing
Wash hands regularly with warm water for at least 20 seconds.
Increased Physical Distancing
Students should keep as much distance as possible between them given the setting.
Proper Wearing of Face Coverings
The mask or face shield being worn should completely cover the mouth and nose.
Additional Disinfecting
Practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending February 20, 202
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Here's to being OPEN for 109 days and looking forward to staying OPEN for the next 68!
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on February 17, 2021
February 17, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending February 13, 2021
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification February 16, 2021
February 16, 2021
East Evergreen Elementary Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Evergreen Junior High Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts Remain in Place
February 11, 2021
Evergreen Families and Staff
As you are probably aware, Governor Gianforte announced yesterday that he will be making changes to the statewide mask mandate as early as tomorrow. Additionally, we received confirmation this afternoon from the Governor’s Office that "the upcoming directive allows local jurisdictions, including local school boards, to implement their own mask requirements."
In collaboration with the Evergreen School District Board of Trustees, the Flathead City-County Health Director, and school leaders throughout the valley, we unanimously support continued safety protocols within our schools to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
As previously approved by the Board of Trustees, we will continue with all COVID-19 mitigation efforts, including the face covering requirement. We recognize and respect that there are varying viewpoints on this issue. As school leaders, we are in a very challenging and sensitive position when making decisions concerning the health and safety of our staff and students. We view requiring face coverings within our schools as an issue of public health and safety.
Our rationale for continuing all mitigation efforts include:
School staff, as essential workers, are no longer included in tier 1A and 1B for vaccinations. Removing the mask mandate when our school essential workers have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated presents additional risk to staff and students.
Student and staff safety continue to be our number one priority. Mitigation of spread allows our schools to remain open, allows our parents to work, and keeps our economy up and running.
Current school district data demonstrate that the mitigation efforts significantly reduce the spread and transmission of the Coronavirus when compared to the County.
According to the Health Department, almost all cases of COVID-19 in schools represent transmission from outside of the school setting due to the mitigation strategies that are currently in place.
Schools often have “captive” audiences and difficulty maintaining social distancing. In addition, students and staff have a prolonged exposure time, which separates schools from regular businesses.
Thank you for continuing to support our efforts to keep our schools open and to keep our students and staff safe. The risks associated with COVID-19 are continually being weighed with the potentially greater consequences for our students, families, and community if our schools are closed. Therefore, we are doing everything we can to safely keep our schools open.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on February 10, 2021
February 10, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending February 6, 202
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on February 3, 2021
February 3, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Evergreen Cares Clinic
The health clinic is available to Evergreen staff and all students enrolled in the Evergreen School District. You can find more details here: Evergreen Cares Clinic Information. If you have additional questions, please contact the Flathead Community Health Center at 751-8113.
Hours of Operation:
Mondays: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Thursdays: 8:20–11:20 a.m.
Schedule a Visit:
751-8113: Flathead Community Health Center (to make an appointment)
751-1116: Evergreen Cares Clinic (during operational hours)
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending January 30, 2021
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on January 27, 2021
January 27, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending January 23, 2021
Evergreen Cares Clinic
We are excited to announce the opening of the Evergreen Cares Clinic, a service of Flathead Community Health Center, located at the back of East Evergreen Elementary School. The clinic is available to Evergreen staff and students enrolled in the Evergreen School District and will begin providing services on Thursday, January 28, 2021. Please carefully read this document regarding accessing the clinic: Evergreen Cares Clinic Information. If you have additional questions, please contact the Flathead Community Health Center at 751-8113
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
Evergreen Cares Clinic
January 21, 2021
Evergreen Families,
We are excited to announce the opening of the Evergreen Cares Clinic, a service of Flathead Community Health Center, located at the back of East Evergreen Elementary School.
The clinic will be available to Evergreen staff and students enrolled in the Evergreen School District and will begin providing services on Thursday, January 28, 2021.
Please carefully read this document regarding accessing the clinic: Evergreen Cares Clinic Information
If you have additional questions, please contact the Flathead Community Health Center at 751-8113.
We look forward to being able to better support the healthcare needs of our staff and students.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Early Release Wednesdays
Based on continued staff and student needs during this pandemic, at the January 13 board meeting the board of trustees approved additional early release Wednesdays through the end of third quarter (through Wednesday, March 31).
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending January 16, 2021
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
Early Release Wednesdays and Substitutes Needed
January 15, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Early Release Wednesdays
Based on continued staff and student needs during this pandemic, at the January 13 board meeting the board of trustees approved additional early release Wednesdays through the end of third quarter (through Wednesday, March 31).
Substitutes Needed
The Evergreen School District is in need of substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, food services staff, custodians, and bus drivers. If you are or if anyone you know is interested in substituting in any of these roles, please contact Jacqueline Coorough at We'd love to have you as part of our team!
Thank you for your continued support as we all work together to meet the needs of our students.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on January 13, 2021 and Early Release Today
January 13, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Welcoming Maverick Bench Home Today
As many of you know, the Kila community lost 3rd grade student Maverick Bench this week. The Bench family is returning from Colorado together today and will be escorted home by Sheriff deputies and a fire truck convoy to Kila from Glacier Park International Airport around 2:00 p.m. this afternoon. This convoy will travel down Highway 2 from the airport to Kila and will pass through our school district. While this may have some impact on traffic during our scheduled early release today, we look forward to honoring Maverick and welcoming him home one final time.
Early Release Wednesdays
At the November 11 board meeting, the board of trustees approved additional early release days through the end of first semester (through Wednesday, January 20). Based on continued staff and student needs during this pandemic, at our regularly scheduled board meeting this evening (Wednesday, January 13), we will recommend that the board approve continued early release on Wednesdays through the end of third quarter (through Wednesday, March 31).
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending January 9, 2021
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a notification from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Continued Mitigation Efforts
January 6, 2021
Evergreen Families,
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a restful and healthy break. We are excited to welcome students and staff back to school and to 2021!
Keeping our students, staff, and community safe and healthy has been and continues to be our top priority. Our current data continues to indicate that additional health and safety practices by staff and students are helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, and there does not appear to be evidence of transmission of COVID-19 within our buildings.
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending January 2, 2021
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on December 17, 2020
December 17, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on December 16, 2020
December 16, 2020
Evergreen Families,
We're just a few days away from a two week holiday break! Thank you again for helping us keep our buildings open the past 16 weeks of school.
Campuses Closed after Hours and during Break
As part of our COVID-19 Operational Phases, we are currently in Phase II. In Phase II, public access to schools is limited to school-related business. Please note that outside of school hours, including after school, evenings, weekends, and the upcoming break, students should not be on campus parking lots, fields, or playgrounds.
Specific to this holiday break, we will not have any students on campus for services, practices, activities, etc. Our campuses will be closed to students during the break.
Mitigation Efforts
Help us keep our buildings open!
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Cleaning and Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending December 12, 2020.
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.
We wish you a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season and certainly look forward to 2021!
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice December 15, 2020
December 15, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice December 13, 2020
December 13, 2020
Evergreen Crossroads Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that two individuals at Evergreen Crossroads Program have tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a notification from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, Evergreen Crossroads Program and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Crossroads Program is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice December 13, 2020
December 13, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice December 7, 2020
December 7, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School/Crossroads/District Office has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a notification from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School/Crossroads/District Office and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School/Crossroads/District Office is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice December 7, 2020
December 7, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020
Evergreen Junior High Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Quarantine Protocol Change
December 2, 2020
Evergreen Families,
On December 2, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that they have changed their COVID-19 quarantine procedures. For close contacts, the prior procedure was a 14 day quarantine from last exposure to a positive case.
The new protocol for close contacts of a positive case is as follows:
A ten (10) day quarantine with no symptoms and no COVID-19 test
A seven (7) day quarantine with no symptoms and a negative COVID-19 test. The negative test must have been completed five days after the exposure. If the test result doesn't come back by the end of seven days, the close contact must quarantine until results come back negative or until after day 10. The test can either be a PCR test (which is primarily the test given at the hospital) or a rapid antigen test.
If your child is currently out on close contact quarantine and the new protocols impact his or her return date, please contact your child's school to verify the new return date.
Please keep in mind that all protocols related to a positive COVID-19 test remain the same. If someone tests positive for COVID-19, there will still be a mandatory 10 day isolation period.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we work through the evolving nature of this pandemic. The full description of the change in protocols may be found at
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on December 2, 2020
December 2, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Thank you for your continued support during the challenges COVID-19 continues to present. We appreciate everyone's continue focus on and attention to doing all we can to keep our buildings open for on-site learning for our students.
Mitigation Efforts
Our continued mitigation efforts are helping us keep our buildings open:
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending November 28, 2020.
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice December 1, 2020
December 1, 2020
Evergreen Junior High Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice December 1, 2020
December 1, 2020
Evergreen Junior High Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that three individuals at Evergreen Junior High School have tested positive for COVID-19. These cases are not related to one another, and transmission does not appear to have occurred at school. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice November 29, 2020
November 29, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a notification from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice November 27, 2020
November 27, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that two individuals at East Evergreen Elementary School have tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice November 25, 2020
November 25, 2020
Evergreen Junior High Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open after the holidays for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update on November 25, 2020
November 25, 2020
Evergreen Families,
During this time of Thanksgiving, we are thankful for many things but especially for the opportunity to work with our Evergreen students, families, and community. We are also grateful for your continued support during the many challenges presented by COVID-19. Below is our weekly update.
Mitigation Efforts
Our continued mitigation efforts are helping us keep our buildings open:
Additional Hand Washing
Increased Physical Distancing
Required Face Coverings
Additional Disinfecting
We plan to keep these additional health and safety practices in place for as long as necessary to help keep our students, staff, and community safe.
District Indicators
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending November 21, 2020.
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy.
We wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice November 24, 2020
November 24, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
Flathead Crossroads Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual with Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program/District Office has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program/District Office and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program/District Office is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice November 22, 2020
November, 22, 2020
Evergreen Junior High Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice November 22, 2020
November, 22, 2020
Flathead Crossroads Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual with Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program/District Office has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program/District Office and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program/District Office is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification November 19, 2020
November 19 ,2020
Evergreen Junior High Families
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a notification from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update November 18, 2020
November 18, 2020
Evergreen Families
Keep it up, Wolverines! Let's continue to wash our hands, watch our distance, and wear our face coverings! We need your continued help to keep our school buildings open.
District Indicators
Our current data continues to indicate that additional health and safety practices by staff and students are helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, and there does not appear to be evidence of transmission of COVID-19 within our buildings
You may access information regarding COVID-19 in Montana school districts here: Montana DPHHS Website. (Scroll down to "COVID-19 in Montana Schools.")
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending November 14, 2020.
On-site and Remote Learning
Our hope is to continue having staff and students on-site for learning, understanding that the following circumstances may cause us to move to remote learning for a class, grade level, school, or the full District:
Staff Capacity
Evidence of Outbreak
Governor or Health Department Directive
We have no further plans other than what we have shared with you. However, it is imperative that all of us prepare for the possibility that we could have to move quickly to remote learning for a class (including due to close contact tracing), grade level, school, or the full District based on any of the circumstances listed above. If we have to move to all remote learning for students, we need to be prepared. Thus, we continue to emphasize practicing remote learning with all students, including those on-site. We need to be able to transition to and from remote learning for individual students, a class, grade level, school, or the full District as seamlessly as possible. Again, there are no current plans to transition to full remote learning for a class, grade level, school, or the full District. However, we know that could change at any moment, and we want to be prepared
We will continue to keep you updated and informed if and when we have additional information to share. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and thank you again for your continued work in these challenging times.
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice on November 16, 2020
November 16, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice November 16, 2020
November 16, 2020
Flathead Crossroads Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification on November 13, 2020
November 13, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification November 13, 2020
November 13, 2020
Evergreen Junior High School Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice November 13, 2020
November 13, 2020
East Evergreen Elementary School Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
Board Approved Early Release on Wednesdays through January 20, 2021
November 12, 2020
Evergreen Families,
At last night's board meeting, the Evergreen School District Board of Trustees approved the following:
To help continue to meet the needs of all learners, all students in the District will be dismissed early every Wednesday through the end of first semester according to our second Wednesday early release schedule (East: 1:45; Junior High/Crossroads: 2:00). Early release Wednesdays will begin on November 18, 2020 and continue through January 20, 2021. We will re-evaluate this plan as we near the end of first semester.
Please see the Revised Calendar with Early Release Wednesdays.
Thank you for your continued support during these challenging times.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update November 11, 2020
November 11, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Keep it up, Wolverines! Let's continue to wash our hands, watch our distance, and wear our face coverings! We need your continued help to keep our school buildings open.
District Indicators
Our current data continues to indicate that additional health and safety practices by staff and students are helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, and there does not appear to be evidence of transmission of COVID-19 within our buildings.
You may access information regarding COVID-19 in Montana school districts here: Montana DPHHS Website. (Scroll down to "COVID-19 in Montana Schools.")
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data Week Ending November 7, 2020.
Early Release Wednesdays
As a reminder, at our board meeting this evening, we will be recommending that our board of trustees approve the following proposal bolded below
To help continue to meet the needs of all learners, beginning 2nd quarter all students in the District will be dismissed early every Wednesday through the end of first semester according to our second Wednesday early release schedule (East: 1:45; Junior High/Crossroads: 2:00). We will re-evaluate this plan as we near the end of first semester.
Wednesday, November 11: Traditional Second Wednesday Early Release
Wednesday, November 18: Begin Weekly Wednesday Early Release
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification November 5, 2020
November 5, 2020
Crossroads Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a call from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification November 2, 2020
November 2, 2020
East Evergreen Families
Evergreen School District has been notified that two individuals at East Evergreen Elementary School have tested positive for COVID-19. These cases are not related to one another, and transmission does not appear to have occurred at school. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close contacts at school for either case.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification on November 1, 2020
November 1, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a call from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification November 1, 2020
November 1, 2020
Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a call from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
New Wednesday Early Release Recommendation and COVID-19 Update October 29, 2020
October 29, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Tomorrow marks the last day of 1st quarter, and we are so grateful to have successfully completed the first nine weeks of school as well as many of the activities, arts, and athletics that go along with it. Continued attention to additional health and safety measures will go a long way toward keeping our school buildings open. Let's continue to wash our hands, watch our distance, and wear our face coverings!
District Indicators
Each week, we have been sharing District Indicators regarding positive COVID-19 cases and individuals in quarantine as a result of some aspect of COVID-19. Our current data continues to indicate that additional health and safety practices by staff and students are helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, and there does not appear to be evidence of transmission of COVID-19 within our buildings.
You may access information regarding COVID-19 in Montana school districts here: Montana DPHHS Website. (Scroll down to "COVID-19 in Montana Schools.")
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data October 29, 2020.
On-Site Learning
Our hope is to continue having staff and students on-site for learning, understanding that the following circumstances may cause us to move to remote learning for a class, grade level, school, or the full District:
Staff Capacity
Evidence of Outbreak
Governor or Health Department Directive
Early Release Wednesdays
For the last few years, our students have been released early on the second Wednesday of each month to allow for professional development for our staff.
With the challenges presented by COVID-19 and trying to meet the needs of both on-site and remote learners, our teachers are working harder than ever. At our November 11 board meeting, we will be recommending that our board of trustees approve the following proposal highlighted in red font below:
To help continue to meet the needs of all learners, beginning 2nd quarter all students in the District will be dismissed early every Wednesday through the end of first semester according to our second Wednesday early release schedule (East: 1:45; Junior High/Crossroads: 2:00). We will re-evaluate this plan as we near the end of first semester.
Wednesday, November 4: Parent Teacher Conference Day (no school)
Wednesday, November 11: Traditional Second Wednesday Early Release
Wednesday, November 18: Begin Weekly Wednesday Early Release
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification October 25, 2020
October 25, 2020
Evergreen Junior High School Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Junior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a call from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact
At this time, Evergreen Junior High School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Junior High School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Thanks to everyone for your continued attention to additional health and safety measures. Let's continue to wash our hands, watch our distance, and wear our face coverings!
You may access information regarding COVID-19 in Montana school districts here: Montana DPHHS Website. (Scroll down to "COVID-19 in Montana Schools.")
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data October 23, 2020.
It is important for all of us to continue monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19. A great resource is the Montana Outbreak Response Protocols: K–12 distributed by the Governor's Office
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy.
Stay healthy, safe, and warm out there!
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification October 22, 2020
October 22, 2020
Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a call from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Flathead Evergreen Crossroads Program is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification October 21, 2020
October 21, 2020
East Evergreen Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at East Evergreen Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual was last on campus on October 13. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a call from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update October 16, 2020
October 16, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Keep it up, Wolverines! Our efforts of regularly washing hands, physically distancing, and wearing face coverings are working in our schools. Our current data continues to indicate that these additional practices by staff and students are helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, and there does not appear to be evidence of transmission of COVID-19 within our buildings, even as the spread in the county has increased in recent weeks.
You may access information regarding COVID-19 in Montana school districts here: Montana DPHHS Website. (Scroll down to "COVID-19 in Montana Schools.")
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data October 16, 2020.
It is important for all of us to continue monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19. A great resource is the Montana Outbreak Response Protocols: K–12 distributed by the Governor's Office.
We continue to meet and discuss our practices and current data with school leaders in the Flathead Valley, the Flathead City-County Health Department, and Kalispell Regional Healthcare and will continue to do so throughout this pandemicThank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy. And, remember to WWW! Help protect yourself and others, Wolverines!
Wash your hands!
Watch your distance!
Wear your face covering!
Best regards,
COVID-19 School Advisory Council Update October 14, 2020
October 14, 2020
Evergreen Families,
As we near the midpoint of the fall semester, we are thankful to our students, families, and staff for their patience during this very unusual school year. Our school leaders have worked diligently to implement precautions on school campuses, which have helped protect our students and staff. We are grateful for their work and for our staff and students who have honored the new guidelines and procedures aimed at keeping them safe.
However, the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Flathead County is concerning to all of us. While we can continue to implement preventive measures within our campus environments, we cannot do so outside the walls of our schools. We need your help. The decisions all of us make each day have the power to make a difference in this pandemic. There are steps all of us can take to reduce the spread of COVID-19:
Protect others from infection. If you are sick, stay at home. If your children are sick, keep them home from school. Call the 24-hour hotline (406-890-7272) with any questions or guidance on testing sites.
If your children have been placed in quarantine, please keep them at home.
Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently.
Wear a face covering in public spaces and change it daily.
Give each other six feet of personal space and reconsider attending or hosting large gatherings.
Practiced collectively, these precautions can help change the course of this pandemic, especially if practiced outside of school as well as in school. Please help us stop the surge, reduce the impact of COVID-19 on our community, and keep our schools safely open.
Thank you, again, for your continued support,
The COVID-19 School Advisory Council:
Micah Hill, Superintendent, Kalispell
Dave Wick, Superintendent, Columbia Falls
Dave Means, Superintendent, Whitefish
Laurie Barron, Superintendent, Evergreen
Matt Jensen, Superintendent, Bigfork
Jeremy Marsh, Head of School, Stillwater Christian School
Bill Sullivan, Director of Operational Accountability, Kalispell Public Schools
Andy Maheras, Superintendent/Principal, Helena Flats School
Teresa Litchfield, Parent and Epidemiologist
Tamalee Robinson, Flathead City-County Health Department
Kerry Knuckles, Flathead City-County Health Department
Brittany Coburn, NP-C, School-Based Clinic, North Valley Hospital
Ryan Pitts, RN, Kalispell Regional Healthcare Chief Nursing Officer
Craig Lambrecht, MD, Kalispell Regional Healthcare President and CEO
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notification
October 11, 2020
Evergreen Flathead Crossroads Program Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that an individual at Evergreen Flathead Crossroads Program has tested positive for COVID-19. The positive test was confirmed on October 10. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, all close contacts have been notified. If you are receiving this message and have not received a call from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact.
At this time, Evergreen Flathead Crossroads Program and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. Evergreen Flathead Crossroads Program is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Update October 9, 2020
October 9, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Our goal is to provide you with a weekly update, specifically if we have any changes in our data or operations.
We continue to be very appreciative of our staff and students who continue to work hard to regularly wash hands, physically distance, wear face coverings, and help with overall improved sanitation processes. These efforts are working! Our current data continues to indicate that these additional practices by staff and students are helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, and there does not appear to be evidence of transmission of COVID-19 within our buildings, even as the spread in the county has increased in recent weeks.
The more our staff, students, families, and community practice safety measures outside of school (regularly wash hands, physically distance, wear face coverings), the less likely COVID-19 will spread and the more likely we are to be able to keep our school buildings open for our students.
Please note that the CDC recommends that "masks should be washed after every day of use and/or before being used again, or if visibly soiled." Please review the CDC's guidance on How to Wash Masks.
You may access information regarding COVID-19 in Montana school districts here: Montana DPHHS Website. (Scroll down to "Additional information on COVID-19 in Montana Schools.")
You may access the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in the Evergreen School District here: Evergreen School District COVID-19 Data.
It is important for all of us to continue monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19. A great resource is the Montana Outbreak Response Protocols: K–12 distributed by the Governor's Office. The entire document is a good reference, and pages 4 and 6-9 are particularly helpful.
We continue to meet and discuss our practices and current data with school leaders in the Flathead Valley, the Flathead City-County Health Department, and Kalispell Regional Healthcare and will continue to do so throughout this pandemic.
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy. And, remember to WWW! Help protect yourself and others, Wolverines!
Wash your hands!
Watch your distance!
Wear your face covering!
Best regards,
District COVID-19 Updates
October 2, 2020
Evergreen Families,
It’s October, and we’ve had five unique, though successful, weeks of school. We are very thankful to have students back on campus. We are also very appreciative of our staff and students who continue to work hard to regularly wash hands, physically distance, wear face coverings, and help with overall improved sanitation processes.
Our current data indicates that these additional practices by staff and students are helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, and there does not appear to be evidence of transmission of COVID-19 within our buildings, even as the spread in the county has increased in recent weeks. School leaders in the Flathead Valley continue to meet regularly and work closely with the Flathead City-County Health Department and Kalispell Regional Healthcare to evaluate our practices in order to help protect the health and safety of our staff, students, families, and community.
It is important for all of us to continue monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, shortness of breath or problems breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell). Please keep your child at home if he or she exhibits any of these symptoms. As a reminder, our Evergreen School District COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures are available for review as well.
Thank you again for all of your proactive efforts to help keep our students, staff, and community healthy. And, remember to WWW! Help protect yourself and others, Wolverines!
Wash your hands!
Watch your distance!
Wear your face covering!
Best regards,
COVID-19 Notice
September 23, 2020
East Evergreen Elementary School Families,
Evergreen School District has been notified that two individuals at East Evergreen Elementary School have tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, there are no close student contacts at East Evergreen Elementary School or in the Evergreen School District.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. East Evergreen Elementary School is open for all staff and students not under quarantine restrictions.
Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
Best regards,
COVID-19 Positive Cases
September 15, 2020
East Evergreen Elementary School Families,
This evening, East Evergreen Elementary School was notified that two individuals associated with the school had a confirmed, positive test for COVID-19. According to the Flathead City-County Health Department, some of the school’s students and/or staff were in close contact with the individuals during the period of possible exposure. The individuals last had contact with others at East Evergreen Elementary School on Friday, September 11, prior to the individuals' diagnosis. Since September 11, the individuals have not been at school.
At this time, East Evergreen Elementary School and the Evergreen School District are still operating, and no additional restrictions are in place from the Flathead City-County Health Department. We are open for all staff and children not under quarantine restrictions. If you are receiving this letter and have not received a call from the health department, then your child has not been identified as a close contact. Please note that we will strictly adhere to privacy laws during a health pandemic outbreak and will not disclose identifiable information of those who have been affected. We recommend that any person who feels sick seek out a medical provider for specific instructions.
Our schools continue to implement numerous COVID-19 mitigation factors, including hand washing, social distancing, wearing face coverings, using desk shields when appropriate, and conducting extra cleaning measures. School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available.
For further consultation or questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the COVID-19 24-Hour Call Center at (406) 890-7272.
In the event we need to contact your family in the future regarding a possible close contact, it is very important that we have updated contact information. If you have not already, please re-verify household information using Parent Portal:
If you need help with your Parent Portal account, please contact Mr. Tyler Brown at (406) 751-1111 or
Best regards,
Updates for Remote Learning Students--Please Read Carefully
September 15, 2020
Evergreen Remote Learner Families,
We have now completed six days of remote learning! Thank you for your patience as we continue to work through this process. As needs change, we may need to adjust some of our practices as well. Below are a few reminders to help our students be successful as we partner together in remote learning.
Student Expectations during Remote Learning
We are working hard to meet students’ needs during our new remote learning process. Please help us by reminding your child(ren) of the following expectations during remote learning. During remote learning, students should:
Attend class regularly based on schedule set by teacher. (Teachers are taking attendance.)
Find a quiet space away from other noises in the house before logging in.
Login a few minutes prior to the start of class.
Limit outside distractions and disruptions.
Take class seriously and actively participate in class when appropriate.
Complete all assignments on time. (Students are being assessed on work.)
Additional Teacher Support during the School Day
Teachers are working diligently to meet the needs of all learners, on-site and remote. Teachers from each grade level are working with your child during the day at pre scheduled times and/or have videos for instruction pre recorded and posted in Google Classroom. Please note that teachers may not always be immediately available outside of scheduled class time during the regular school day for additional needs. All grade levels have teachers available with additional office hours after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and should be able to communicate with additional information and assistance during these times if they are not immediately available during the school day.
Technology Support
If your student needs help with any school technology being used for remote learning, please reach out to our technology staff for assistance. In your email, please state your need and a good phone number and time to call you between 8:00-3:45 each weekday.
Email for Preschool-4th Grade Students at East Evergreen Elementary School and Crossroads.
Email for 5th-8th Grade Students at Evergreen Junior High School and Crossroads.
You may also call the school office, and the school office will have one of the staff members listed above contact you
Parent and Guardian Support for Digital Platforms
Last week, we offered two different Parent and Guardian Support for Digital Platforms sessions (appropriate for assistance with on-site or remote learning) to share more about Google Classroom, Google Meet, and Remind. If you were unable to participate and still need additional assistance, please contact our technology support (see above paragraph). We will offer additional sessions as needed in the future.
Remote Learning Guidelines
Please review the guidelines found on page 24 of our COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures. If you have decided that remote learning is not best for your child, please contact your child's school immediately to change to on-site learning.
Remote Learning Q & A
Please review the information shared in the Remote Instruction and Learning Q & A to help answer additional questions you may have.
Weekly Meals
Each parent or guardian with a child participating in remote learning who desires school meals is asked to complete (one per family) a Weekly Remote Learning Breakfast and Lunch Form. The parent or guardian should email (scan document or take picture and attach) the form to each Monday with the total count of meals for the entire week. Parents or guardians may pick up Grab & Go lunch for the current day and breakfast for the following day at 10:30 a.m. each day at the back entrance of the Evergreen Junior High School cafeteria. There is no cost for school meals
Thank you again for your partnership and support in remote learning for your child(ren).
Best regards,
COVID-19 School Advisory Council Updates
September 4, 2020
Dear Families and Staff,
The past few months have been challenging for schools across Flathead County as we navigated preparations for opening our schools amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. However, thanks to the support of our parents, students, faculty, staff, health officials, and our community, the 2020-2021 school year is underway.
As the school year continues, Flathead County School Districts, the Flathead City-County Health Department, and Kalispell Regional Healthcare have committed to an ongoing collaboration to continue addressing operational needs in our schools specific to COVID-19 and to protect the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff. By working together, the COVID-19 School Advisory Council - made up of leaders from Flathead County school districts, parents of our students, public health officials from the Flathead City-County Health Department, and representatives from Kalispell Regional Healthcare - will continually evaluate any changes needed as this pandemic continues and will address issues as they arise in a consistent manner.
The school districts will focus on the daily health and safety needs of the schools defined in their operational plans. The Flathead City-County Health Department will provide public health guidance and investigate all positive COVID-19 cases in Flathead County. Kalispell Regional Healthcare will help connect students to primary care, provide testing locations and other health resources, support school nurses, and provide a 24-hour call center to answer questions about COVID-19
This team has also collaborated on a variety of educational resources for parents, faculty, and staff, which can be found online at Most recently, in response to many questions from parents over this first week, new resources have been added:
· Contact Tracing Steps in the process used to investigate positive cases, including quarantine requirements
· COVID Testing Locations What to do and where to go, should your son or daughter need to be tested for COVID-19
· Community Collaboration The roles and responsibilities of community partners in addressing the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff at our schools
We encourage you to review these and other resources to understand the steps all of us can take to have a safe and healthy school year. If you have questions related to COVID-19, please contact the 24-hour Call Center at Kalispell Regional Healthcare at (406) 890-7272.
Thank you, again, for your continued support,
The COVID-19 School Advisory Council:
Micah Hill, Superintendent, Kalispell
Dave Wick, Superintendent, Columbia Falls
Dave Means, Superintendent, Whitefish
Laurie Barron, Superintendent, Evergreen
Matt Jensen, Superintendent, Bigfork
Jeremy Marsh, Head of School, Stillwater Christian School
Bill Sullivan, Director of Operational Accountability, Kalispell Public Schools
Teresa Litchfield, Parent and Epidemiologist
Tamalee Robinson, Flathead City-County Health Department
Kerry Knuckles, Flathead City-County Health Department
Brittany Coburn, NP-C, School-Based Clinic, North Valley Hospital
Ryan Pitts, RN, Kalispell Regional Healthcare Chief Nursing Officer
Best regards,
Parent and Guardian Support for Digital Platforms
September 4, 2020
Evergreen Families,
We will be offering two Parent and Guardian Support for Digital Platforms sessions (appropriate for assistance with on-site or remote learning) to learn more about Google Classroom, Google Meet, and Remind. On-site and virtual attendance will be offered.
Parents or guardians may register for and find details regarding these sessions on our District website at
The following sessions will be offered (on-site and remotely).
Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at the Junior High; Google Meet virtual access at
Thursday, September 10, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at the Junior High; Google Meet virtual access at
We look forward to supporting our families as we all work together to support our students.
Best regards,
Updated Health Screenings
September 1, 2020
Evergreen Families,
As a reminder, we are asking that you take a few minutes at home each morning to conduct a health screening of your child(ren) prior to arrival on any school campus. These steps will help with the safety and wellbeing of all our students, staff, families, and community.
From page 19 of our updated COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures:
BEFORE arriving on an Evergreen campus school site: Parents, students, and staff should ask themselves the following questions about anyone who will be arriving on campus:
Is my temperature 100.0 degrees F or higher?
Has my temperature been 100.0 degrees F or higher in the past 24 hours?
Do I have any symptoms of illness?
These may be but are not limited to: coughing, headache, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest or nasal congestion, earache, swollen glands, new loss of taste or smell.
Have I been asked in the last 14 days to remain in quarantine for COVID-19 testing, diagnosis, or treatment?
If you answer YES to any of the following, please stay home and seek healthcare provider guidance if symptoms worsen or you need treatment.
Symptom screening may be performed by any staff member as well once a student arrives on campus.
Remember to WWW! Help protect yourself and others, Wolverines!
Wash your hands!
Watch your distance!
Wear your face covering!
Best regards,
Reminder: Remote Learning Device and Materials Pick Up
September 1, 2020
Evergreen Families Choosing Remote Learning,
According to our records, your child is enrolled in remote learning to begin the 2020-2021 school year. If our records are not accurate, please reach out to your child's school to clarify. Please carefully read the information below to help prepare your child for a successful remote learning experience.
Start Date
Remote learning will begin on Tuesday, September 8. You will hear from your child's teacher(s) prior to this dateRemote Learning Guidelines
Please carefully read the guidelines found on page 24 of our COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures. If you have decided that remote learning is not best for your child, please contact your child's school immediately to change to on-site learning.
Remote Learning Q & A
Please carefully read the information shared in the Remote Instruction and Learning Q & A to help answer questions you may have.
Weekly Meals
Each parent or guardian with a child participating in remote learning who desires school meals will be asked to complete (one per family) a Weekly Remote Learning Breakfast and Lunch Form. The parent or guardian will email (scan document or take picture and attach) the form to each Monday with the total count of meals for the entire week. Parents or guardians will pick up Grab & Go lunch for the current day and breakfast for the following day at 10:30 a.m. each day at the back entrance to the cafeteria of the Evergreen Junior High School cafeteria. There is no cost for school meals.
Chromebook/Other Materials Distribution
Chromebooks will be distributed to all students who need one. Teachers may leave other materials, such as workbooks or paperwork, to be picked up during this time as well. Students may pick up Chromebooks and materials in front of the school their child attends according to the following schedule. Please remain in your vehicle, and a staff member will bring you the Chromebook and materials.
Students with last names A-J: Wednesday, September 2, 9:00-10:30
Students with last names K-Z: Thursday, September 3, 9:00-10:30
Technology Support
If your student needs help with any school technology being used for remote learning, please reach out to our technology staff for assistance. In your email, please state your need and a good phone number and time to call you between 8:00-3:45 each weekday.
Email for Preschool-4th Grade Students at East Evergreen Elementary School and Crossroads.
Email for 5th-8th Grade Students at Evergreen Junior High School and Crossroads.
You may also call the school office, and the school office will have one of the staff members listed above contact you
Teacher Instruction and Office Hours
Teachers from each grade level will work with your child during the day at pre scheduled times and/or have videos for instruction pre recorded and posted in Google Classroom for your child. Teachers representing each grade level will also have office hours after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and/or Thursdays after school to assist students as needed. Individual teachers will communicate schedules with you.
Parent and Guardian Support for Digital Platforms
We will be offering two Parent and Guardian Support for Digital Platforms sessions (appropriate for assistance with on-site or remote learning) to learn more about Google Classroom, Google Meet, and Remind. On-site and virtual attendance will be offered. On-site attendance will be limited, and sign up will be on the District website under Adult Education.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at the Junior High; Google Meet virtual access at
Thursday, September 10, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at the Junior High; Google Meet virtual access at
Best regards,
REQUIRED: Campus Parent Portal Access
August 31, 2020
Evergreen Families,
We are so excited to have students back on campus today! Now, we need to work on confirming your student's household information.
Evergreen School District uses Infinite Campus as our student information system. Through Infinite Campus, parents will have an account through Campus Parent Portal. You will soon be receiving an email(s) regarding your Campus Parent Portal account. For those without an account, you will receive an email to help you sign up. (Be sure to check your spam email if you do not receive it.)
This year, all families will be required to verify their household information using the online Parent Portal, and an email will be sent out with directions on how to do this. (There is no more completing all of that hand-written back-to-school paperwork--everything is online!)
A Campus Parent Portal account will also be a more powerful tool to help you stay involved with your child’s education in these ever-changing times. Below are some of the benefits that you will gain from having an account:
Accessing grades
Reviewing attendance and absences
Viewing assignments due
Changing your own personal information
Receiving notifications for school/district announcements
Accessing a mobile app to access your account anytime, anywhere
Assisting the District as we work to go paperless and therefore reduce transferring paperwork among many people
If you need help with your Parent Portal account, please contact Mr. Tyler Brown at (406) 751-1111 or by email
Best regards,
Classroom Welcome Videos and Health Screenings
August 27, 2020
Evergreen Families,
We can't wait for Monday! Below are some final updates and reminders as we prepare to welcome students on-site.
Classroom Welcome Videos
Since we cannot host a traditional Student Experience Day this year, teachers will be calling families and making classroom welcome videos. Classroom Welcome Videos will be posted over the next few days
Daily Health Screenings from Home
Please carefully read page 19 of our COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures regarding screening your child each day before school. If your child can answer "Yes" to any of the health screening questions, please keep your child at home
Remember to WWW!
Help protect yourself and others, Wolverines!
Wash your hands!
Watch your distance!
Wear your face covering!
Thank you again to everyone for your continued patience, flexibility, and grace.
See you Monday!
Best regards,
Remote Learning Students--Please Read Carefully
August 27, 2020
Evergreen Families Choosing Remote Learning,
According to our records, your child is enrolled in remote learning to begin the 2020-2021 school year. If our records are not accurate, please reach out to your child's school to clarify. Please carefully read the information below to help prepare your child for a successful remote learning experience.
Start Date
Remote learning will begin on Tuesday, September 8. You will hear from your child's teacher(s) prior to this date.
Remote Learning Guidelines
Please carefully read the guidelines found on page 24 of our COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures. If you have decided that remote learning is not best for your child, please contact your child's school immediately to change to on-site learning.
Remote Learning Q & A
Please carefully read the information shared in the Remote Instruction and Learning Q & A to help answer questions you may have.
Weekly Meals
Each parent or guardian with a child participating in remote learning who desires school meals will be asked to complete (one per family) a Weekly Remote Learning Breakfast and Lunch Form. The parent or guardian will email (scan document or take picture and attach) the form to each Monday with the total count of meals for the entire week. Parents or guardians will pick up Grab & Go lunch for the current day and breakfast for the following day at 10:30 a.m. each day at the back entrance to the cafeteria of the Evergreen Junior High School cafeteria. There is no cost for school meals.
Chromebook/Other Materials Distribution
Chromebooks will be distributed to all students who need one. Teachers may leave other materials, such as workbooks or paperwork, to be picked up during this time as well. Students may pick up Chromebooks and materials in front of the school their child attends according to the following schedule. Please remain in your vehicle, and a staff member will bring you the Chromebook and materials.
Students with last names A-J: Wednesday, September 2, 9:00-10:30
Students with last names K-Z: Thursday, September 3, 9:00-10:30
Technology Support
If your student needs help with any school technology being used for remote learning, please reach out to our technology staff for assistance. In your email, please state your need and a good phone number and time to call you between 8:00-3:45 each weekday.
Email for Preschool-4th Grade Students at East Evergreen Elementary School and Crossroads.
Email for 5th-8th Grade Students at Evergreen Junior High School and Crossroads.
You may also call the school office, and the school office will have one of the staff members listed above contact you.
Teacher Instruction and Office Hours
Teachers from each grade level will work with your child during the day at pre scheduled times and/or have videos for instruction pre recorded and posted in Google Classroom for your child. Teachers representing each grade level will also have office hours after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and/or Thursdays after school to assist students as needed. Individual teachers will communicate schedules with you.
Parent and Guardian Support for Digital Platforms
We will be offering two Parent and Guardian Support for Digital Platforms sessions (appropriate for assistance with on-site or remote learning) to learn more about Google Classroom, Google Meet, and Remind. On-site and virtual attendance will be offered. On-site attendance will be limited, and sign up will be on the District website under Adult Education.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at the Junior High; Google Meet virtual access at
Thursday, September 10, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at the Junior High; Google Meet virtual access at
Best regards,
District and School Updates
August 21, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Below are several quick updates to help you stay informed as we prepare to welcome back our staff and students.
On-Site Learning
The first day of school is Monday, August 31, and we cannot wait to see our students again!
Remote Learning
Remote learning will begin on Tuesday, September 8. During the week of August 31, staff will be in touch regarding Chromebook pick up and other details to begin remote instruction and learning.
Arrivals and Departure to School
Next week, you will be receiving detailed instructions from your child's principal for our revised student arrival and student pick up procedures. As we all work through the challenges of this new process, please help us by carefully adhering to all new procedures.
Our athletic director Steve Mayhue has been in touch with 7th and 8th students regarding our fall sports of football and volleyball. If you have specific questions, please contact Mr. Mayhue at or 751-1131. Please note the new protocol for spectators at Evergreen home events: Only two home team spectators per participant in uniform will be allowed at an Evergreen event for football and volleyball.
Special Services
If you have questions or concerns about special services (i.e., 504 Plan, IEP) for your child, please contact our special services director Mary Meehan at or 751-1111.
School Supply Lists
Please review your child's School Supply List before school starts. We understand that some items may be difficult to find. Don't worry if you are not able to find all items.
Face Coverings
Yesterday, we received clarification to the Governor's August 12 face coverings directive for schools. According to the August 20 clarification, "Schools may allow children to remove their masks if they are seated and socially distanced [by at least six feet] in a classroom." Also, "teachers giving a lecture in front of a classroom . . . separated by at least six feet of distance" may remove their face coverings during that specific time.
Evergreen School District Plan
We hope our COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures will help answer many of your questions. If you have additional questions, please contact your child's building principal:
East Evergreen Elementary School: Sherry Odegard or 751-1121
Evergreen Junior High School: Kim Anderson or 751-1131
Evergreen Flathead Crossroads Program: Melissa Hardman or 751-1141
Remember to WWW!
Help protect yourself and others, Wolverines!
Wash your hands!
Watch your distance!
Wear your face covering!
Thank you again to everyone for your continued patience, flexibility, and grace during these challenging times. We are looking forward to reopening school on August 31!
Best regards,
August 17, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Learning Choice Registration and Device Checkout for Each Student If you have not yet completed a registration form for each child, we are asking families to complete an individual Learning Choice Registration and Device Checkout Form for each student who will be enrolled in the Evergreen School District this fall no later than Wednesday, August 19. If you have already completed the form, thank you.
If you have additional questions about our COVID-19 Reopening Plan or Guidelines and Procedures, please reach out to your child's building principal:
East Evergreen Elementary School: Sherry Odegard or 751-1121
Evergreen Junior High School: Kim Anderson or 751-1131
Evergreen Flathead Crossroads Program: Melissa Hardman or 751-1141
Thank you again to everyone for your patience, flexibility, and grace during these challenging times. We look forward to seeing our students on Monday, August 31!
Best regards,
URGENT--RESPONSE REQUIRED--COVID-19 Guidelines and Student Form to Complete
August 12, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Since early March, we have communicated regularly with families regarding COVID-19. As you know, information changes quickly, and it is often difficult to follow updates. We continue to acknowledge the uncertainties that this pandemic brings and how it impacts our schools, students, families, staff, and community.
School leaders in the Flathead Valley continue to work closely with each other, with local health officials, and with state agencies to safely reopen schools this fall. Most recently, we have assembled an Advisory Council including medical professionals from Kalispell Regional Health (doctors and pediatricians), Flathead City-County Health Department (infectious disease and public health experts), area superintendents, and others to provide us with continued guidance on best practices. We will continue to reevaluate and adjust our plan as needed in order to provide the safest environment possible for our school community. Know that all plans, guidance, and procedures have been developed with safety as our highest priority and that no plan has been developed in isolation.
Three words that continue to guide me as we work through these challenging and unprecedented times together are patience, flexibility, and grace. We are assuming good intentions on behalf of us all, and I know that, working together, we will be able to have a successful school year.
We look forward to welcoming all students back to school for a full schedule, five days a week on Monday, August 31. Below are several pieces of important information for your careful review and response.
Revised Reopening Plan
At our regularly scheduled August 12 board meeting, the Board of Trustees approved our Revised Guidelines for Reopening Schools.
Guidance and Procedures
Please carefully read our COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures. Please pay special attention to the following:
Face Coverings Required by Governor Directive Announced August 12
See page 13 for face coverings expectations.
Health Screenings at Home before Sending Your Child to School
See page 19 for how to screen your child each day.
Remote Learning
See page 24 before registering for remote learning.
Learning Choice Registration and Device Checkout for Each Student
Thank you to all families who completed our survey in July. That survey gave us initial information regarding planning for instruction. Now that families have additional details with our COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures shared above, we are asking families to complete an individual Learning Choice Registration and Device Checkout Form for each student who will be enrolled in the Evergreen School District this fall no later than Wednesday, August 19.
If you have additional questions about our Plan or Guidelines and Procedures, please reach out to your child's building principal:
East Evergreen Elementary School: Sherry Odegard or 751-1121
Evergreen Junior High School: Kim Anderson or 751-1131
Evergreen Flathead Crossroads Program: Melissa Hardman or 751-1141
Please know that the safety and well being of our students, families, staff, and community continue to be our highest priority. Thank you for your partnership and support and for the opportunity to work with your child.
Best regards,
District Calendar Change for 2020-2021 School Year
July 29, 2020
Evergreen Families,
At a special board meeting held today, Wednesday, July 29 at 12:00 noon, the Evergreen School District COVID-19 Reopening Team recommended that the board of trustees move the first day of school for students to Monday, August 31, allowing staff five days before students begin in order to better prepare for our new learning environments and to continue to address safety and health measures for students and staff.
The board of trustees approved the following:
School will start for students on Monday, August 31, 2020 (instead of Wednesday, August 26, 2020).
Friday, October 30, 2020 will be a full pupil instruction day (previously PIR day).
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 will be a full pupil instruction day (previously parent/teacher conference day).
There will be no change to the number of work days for staff and teachers; teacher contracted work days remain the same and are 187 days.
Pupil instruction (PI) days will be reduced by one day.
There will be 177 PI days/10 PIR days (previously 178 PI days/9 PIR days).
Please see our Revised 2020-2021 Calendar.
Our COVID-19 Reopening Team will meet again next week and continue to make school-specific plans to implement the Evergreen School District Guidelines for Reopening Schools, which the Evergreen School District Board of Trustees approved at their July 13 special board meeting.
Our current plan remains to have students return to school in the fall under Phase II. We continue to work closely with local and state leaders from across the region and state and will follow recommendations of local health officials and adapt our plan as necessary.
Best regards,
Update on Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer from DPHHS
July 28, 2020
Evergreen Families,
The Evergreen School District assisted the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) and the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) in collecting data for the new Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program electronically. DPHHS is currently processing the data for benefit issuance.
DPHHS is issuing the P-EBT benefits in a staggered fashion. The issuing of benefit cards will take a while. Those who have not received something by the end of August should send an email to
Thank you for your patience.
Best regards,
Reminder: Reopening of Schools Guidelines and Parent Survey
July 27, 2020
Evergreen Families,
We’re excited to share plans for reopening our schools on-site this fall. Please note that this plan is subject to change as conditions with COVID-19 continue to change.
School leaders in the Flathead Valley have been meeting and discussing plans throughout the summer for the reopening of schools this fall, and we continue to meet regularly and work closely with state leaders and the Flathead City-County Health Department. As a result of these meetings, the Evergreen School District has developed the Evergreen School District Guidelines for Reopening Schools, which the Evergreen School District Board of Trustees approved at their July 13 special board meeting. Outlined in this document, you will find a plan for each phase, should conditions change for Montana or the Flathead Valley. Following that plan is some supporting information from the Governor’s Office, Flathead-City County Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other sources for your information.
Our current plan is to have students return to school in the fall at 100% capacity (currently under Phase II). Phase II allows for groups not to exceed 50, which allows us to have traditional schedules but which also changes many of our daily operations such as passing time, lunch, and recess.
At this stage in the planning, it is critical that we hear from you regarding your child’s school attendance this fall. If your child(ren) will be enrolled in the Evergreen School District this fall and you have not already completed the survey, please complete this Evergreen School District Reopening Schools Family Survey by Monday, July 27. Please do not complete the survey again if you have previously completed it.
Please know that the safety and wellbeing of our students, families, staff, and community continue to be our highest priority.
Best regards,
Reopening of Schools Guidelines and Parent Survey
July 15, 2020
Evergreen Families,
We’re excited to share plans for reopening our schools on-site this fall. Please note that this plan is subject to change as conditions with COVID-19 continue to change.
School leaders in the Flathead Valley have been meeting and discussing plans throughout the summer for the reopening of schools this fall, and we continue to meet regularly and work closely with state leaders and the Flathead City-County Health Department. As a result of these meetings, the Evergreen School District has developed the Evergreen School District Guidelines for Reopening Schools, which the Evergreen School District Board of Trustees approved at their July 13 special board meeting. Outlined in this document, you will find a plan for each phase, should conditions change for Montana or the Flathead Valley. Following that plan is some supporting information from the Governor’s Office, Flathead-City County Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other sources for your information.
Our current plan is to have students return to school in the fall at 100% capacity (currently under Phase II). Phase II allows for groups not to exceed 50, which allows us to have traditional schedules but which also changes many of our daily operations such as passing time, lunch, and recess.
At this stage in the planning, it is critical that we hear from you regarding your child’s school attendance this fall. If your child(ren) will be enrolled in the Evergreen School District this fall, please complete this Evergreen School District Reopening Schools Family Survey by Monday, July 27.
Please know that the safety and wellbeing of our students, families, staff, and community continue to be our highest priority.
Best regards,
Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer from DPHHS
July 13, 2020
Evergreen Families,
The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) will be providing food assistance, through Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) cards, to Montanans with eligible children attending schools identified with free and reduced breakfast/lunch programs. Evergreen School District participates in Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), making all children ages 5 and older who attended an Evergreen school in the 2019-2020 school year eligible.
Your household is qualified to receive this Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) benefit to buy food at grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. The benefit at $5.70 per day per child (retroactive to when school initially closed for Montana through the end of the 2019-2020 school year) will be approximately $330 per child.
Families currently participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) with children receiving benefits will have monies automatically added to their family’s SNAP EBT card. There is no additional paperwork to complete.
Non-SNAP participating families, who complete a consent form with Evergreen School District, will automatically be mailed a P-EBT card to the address on file with the District. Consent forms will be emailed to you from our Business Manager Chris Campbell via DocuSign. Non-SNAP participating families should sign and return this consent form no later than Monday, July 20, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. in order to receive these benefits.
Non-SNAP participating families who need help filling out the P-EBT consent form, please contact the Evergreen School District office at 406-751-1111.
Also, on weekdays though August 14, a free summer meal program serves lunch with breakfast for the next day to anyone 18 and under at three locations in Evergreen.
12:05 p.m.: Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse on Shady Lane
12:25 p.m.: Lions Park on East Evergreen Drive
12:50 p.m.: Evergreen Junior High School Cafeteria Parking Lot
We are also pleased to announce that North Valley and Flathead Food Banks have joined forces to launch two new mobile pantry sites in the community of Evergreen. The mobile pantry will take place every Wednesday at the Sheriff’s Posse from 11:45-12:25 and at Evergreen Junior High from 12:35-1:15. We are excited to distribute Farmers to Families fresh food boxes that include a variety of produce, cheeses, butter, milk, and meats. We will also have some canned goods available, donated by community members through Super 1 Foods’ food bank program.
Best regards,
Evergreen School District Updates
July 2, 2020
Evergreen Families,
I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying your summer. As promised in my end-of-year message, I wanted to reach out to let you know that we’re still working diligently on plans for reopening our schools on-site this fall.
School leaders in the Flathead Valley have been meeting and discussing plans throughout the summer for the reopening of schools this fall. We are meeting regularly and working closely with state leaders and the Flathead City-County Health Department and will continue to do so. Please know that we are diligently thinking through and planning how we will reopen schools and that we are optimistic and are planning for in-person, on-site instruction. However, reopening schools will likely come with some necessary modifications to minimize the health risks for our students, staff, and families. We are expecting additional guidance from the Montana Office of Public Instruction as well as state and local public health authorities soon, and we will be working with our COVID-19 Reopening Team (with staff representing all of our school sites) to continue to develop our full plans. You can expect further communication from me regarding this guidance in the near future. Throughout this challenging situation and whatever it brings, we are committed to providing a high quality education for the students we serve.
As a reminder, on weekdays though August 14, a free summer meal program serves lunch with breakfast for the next day to anyone 18 and under at three locations in Evergreen.
12:05 p.m.: Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse on Shady Lane
12:25 p.m.: Lions Park on East Evergreen Drive
12:50 p.m.: Evergreen Junior High School Cafeteria Parking Lot
We are excited to share that, coming soon, once a week you will be able to pick up food boxes at Evergreen meal sites as well. More details will be shared as they are available.
We wish you all a safe, healthy, and enjoyable summer!
Best regards,
Summer Meal Program
June 9, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
The Evergreen School District will be serving our final summer meals (lunch with breakfast for the next day) at our three traditional locations tomorrow, Tuesday, June 9 from 11:30-12:30.
We are excited to announce that, on weekdays June 15-August 14, a free summer meal program will serve lunch with breakfast for the next day to anyone 18 and under at three locations in Evergreen!
12:05 p.m.: Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse on Shady Lane
12:25 p.m.: Lions Park on East Evergreen Drive
12:50 p.m.: Evergreen Junior High School Cafeteria Parking Lot
We wish you all a safe, healthy, and enjoyable summer!
Best regards,
Final Report Cards
June 8, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Thank you again for partnering with us during this challenging end to the school year. We want to thank our parents, guardians, students, teachers, support staff, administrators, and community for all of your support throughout the year but especially in these last 12 weeks.
The first day of school for the 2020-2021 school year is Wednesday, August 26, and we are very hopeful we will be able to start school at 100% capacity with additional health and safety measures in place. We will communicate with you this summer as we know more.
All students will be receiving a final report card for the 2019-2020 school year. Report cards will be mailed on Wednesday, June 10. As you know, assessing a student’s skills during this remote learning process has been challenging at times. Information below helps explain what you can expect from your child’s final report card.
Mastery of individual academic standards (listed under the overall 4th quarter grade) will be marked based on completed work and communication with teachers during 4th quarter.
The overall 4th quarter grade listed for each content area class will have an achievement indicator (Advanced, Proficient, Nearing Proficient, Novice, No Evidence) that summarizes mastery of all content area standards for the entire school year. The student’s 4th quarter performance should not decrease or over-inflate this final overall grade.
Should you have any questions, please contact your child's principal.
Wishing you a safe, healthy, and very enjoyable summer!
Best regards,
8th Grade Celebrations, School Planning Update, and Family Feedback
June 3, 2020
Evergreen Families,
As we come to the close of a school year that is ending much differently than any of us anticipated, we want to thank you for your patience and flexibility during the last 12 weeks of remote learning. We also want to continue to acknowledge the tremendous strain these circumstances have placed on our families, our children, our teachers, our support staff, our administrators, our community, and our economy. We know many of the sacrifices and changes that our families and staff have had to make in order to implement new remote learning plans, and we are grateful for the partnerships we have had during this challenging time.
We also want to honor and celebrate our 8th graders and their accomplishments as they get ready to head to high school. On Monday, June 8, we will share an online link to the 8th Grade Celebration, and at 3:00 p.m. on that same day Evergreen staff will drive through portions of our district for a promotion parade! We will send out a parade route to families soon. We ask families to practice social distancing from other families on the parade route.
As we end this school year, we want you to know that school leaders in the Flathead Valley are already discussing plans for the opening of school this fall. We are meeting regularly and working closely with state leaders and the Flathead City-County Health Department and will continue to do so throughout the summer. We are sharing ideas and working together to hopefully bring all students back to school this fall in a safe and healthy environment. While our hope and goal remains to return to school in the fall at 100% capacity, we recognize that, in light of COVID-19, we must do so with the guidance of our local health officials. As always, the safety and wellbeing of our students, families, staff, and community is our highest priority.
As we begin planning for next fall, it will helpful for us if each family completes the Evergreen School District Remote Learning Family Survey June 2020 (sent to your email).
As our school leaders continue to meet throughout the summer, we will provide updates to you at minimum at the beginning of July and August. Thank you for your continued support, and we wish you all a very safe, healthy, and enjoyable summer!
Best regards,
TODAY: Student Belongings Pick-up and School-Issued Items Drop-Off and Yearbook Sales
June 2, 2020
Evergreen Families,
Today is the day! Today, Tuesday, June 2, we will host students on campus outside each building during the scheduled times listed below to pick up their personal belongings and to turn in school-issued textbooks, library books, Chromebooks, band instruments, or other items.
Please be reminded that social distancing guidelines must be practiced at all times.
If your student needs continued use of a school-issued textbook, library book, Chromebook, band instrument, or other item beyond today, please arrange an individual time with the school to turn these in no later than June 9.
You will also be able to purchase a yearbook today if you would like. Yearbooks will be available at the East Evergreen Elementary and the Junior High/Crossroads locations during the student belonging pick up times. We are not taking pre-orders this year. The yearbooks will be $10 each. Please bring exact change if you are paying with cash. If you are paying by check, please make your check payable to Evergreen School District.
Student Belongings Pick-up and School-Issued Items Drop-Off
East Evergreen Elementary School
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: EK/K (left of outside front door)
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: PS and 3rd Grade (right of outside front door)
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 1st Grade (left of outside front door)
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 2nd Grade (left of outside front door)
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 4th Grade (right of outside front door)
Evergreen Junior High School
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: 5th Grade (left of outside front door)
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: 7th Grade (right of outside front door)
12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 6th Grade (left of outside front door)
12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 8th Grade (right of outside front door)
Evergreen Crossroads
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 am: All grades (near pavilion)
We look forward to seeing you on June 2.
Best regards,
REMINDER: Student Belongings Pick-up and School-Issued Items Drop-Off and Yearbook Sales
May 29, 2020
Evergreen Families,
On Tuesday, June 2, we will host students on campus outside each building during the scheduled times listed below to pick up their personal belongings and to turn in school-issued textbooks, library books, Chromebooks, band instruments, or other items.
Please be reminded that social distancing guidelines must be practiced at all times.
If your student needs continued use of a school-issued textbook, library book, Chromebook, band instrument, or other item beyond June 2, please arrange an individual time with the school to turn these in no later than June 9.
You will also be able to purchase a yearbook on June 2 if you would like. Yearbooks will be available at the East Evergreen Elementary and the Junior High/Crossroads locations during the student belonging pick up times. We are not taking pre-orders this year. The yearbooks will be $10 each. Please bring exact change if you are paying with cash. If you are paying by check, please make your check payable to Evergreen School District.
Tuesday, June 2 Student Belongings Pick-up and School-Issued Items Drop-Off
East Evergreen Elementary School
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: EK/K (left of outside front door)
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: PS and 3rd Grade (right of outside front door)
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 1st Grade (left of outside front door)
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 2nd Grade (left of outside front door)
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 4th Grade (right of outside front door)
Evergreen Junior High School
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: 5th Grade (left of outside front door)
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: 7th Grade (right of outside front door)
12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 6th Grade (left of outside front door)
12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 8th Grade (right of outside front door)
Evergreen Crossroads
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 am: All grades (near pavilion)
We look forward to seeing you on June 2.
Best regards,
Student Belongings Pick-up and School-Issued Items Drop-Off and Yearbook Sales
May 11, 2020
Evergreen Families,
On Tuesday, June 2, we will host students on campus outside each building during the scheduled times listed below to pick up their personal belongings and to turn in school-issued textbooks, library books, Chromebooks, band instruments, or other items. Social distancing guidelines must be practiced at all times.
If your student needs continued use of a school-issued textbook, library book, Chromebook, band instrument, or other item beyond June 2, please arrange an individual time with the school to turn these in no later than June 9.
You will also be able to purchase a yearbook on June 2 if you would like. Yearbooks will be available at the East Evergreen Elementary and the Junior High/Crossroads locations during the student belonging pick up times. We are not taking pre-orders this year. The yearbooks will be $10 each. Please bring exact change if you are paying with cash. If you are paying by check, please make your check payable to Evergreen School District.
Tuesday, June 2
Student Belongings Pick-up and School-Issued Items Drop-Off
East Evergreen Elementary School
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: EK/K (left of outside front door)
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: PS and 3rd Grade (right of outside front door)
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 1st Grade (left of outside front door)
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 2nd Grade (left of outside front door)
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 4th Grade (right of outside front door)
Evergreen Junior High School
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: 5th Grade (left of outside front door)
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: 7th Grade (right of outside front door)
12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 6th Grade (left of outside front door)
12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 8th Grade (right of outside front door)
Evergreen Crossroads
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 am: All grades (near pavilion)
We look forward to seeing you on June 2.
Best regards,
Evergreen School District Will Continue with Remote Learning
April 28, 2020
Evergreen Staff and Families,
This afternoon, the Evergreen School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved continuation with our District’s previously approved remote learning plan for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Teachers and support staff will continue to communicate with families and students to meet individual needs including: offsite learning instruction and structure; school meals, consistent with what the District regularly provides; services for students with disability; and other services customarily provided to students.
The last day of school for students will remain Tuesday, June 9. As we normally would toward the end of the school year, the majority of new content instruction will conclude on Friday, May 22. The remaining instructional days will be used for continuing to serve students through: meeting individual student instructional needs as determined necessary by teachers; student completion of missing assignments for 4th quarter; discussions regarding student performance and needs; determining students' proficiencies and how to address student needs in the future; teacher collaboration to meet student needs; cleaning out lockers/cubbies/desks; student/parent pick-up of student items; and return of textbooks, library books, Chromebooks, and other items. More details will be shared in the coming weeks.
The health and safety of our students, families, and staff remain our highest priority.
Best regards,
Recommendation to Continue with Remote Learning
April 23, 2020
Evergreen Staff and Families,
After consulting with Flathead City-County Health Department officials, conferring with school superintendents across the Flathead Valley, and discussing with Evergreen School District leaders, I will be recommending to the Evergreen School District Board of Trustees that the safest option for our students and staff will be to continue with our previously approved remote learning plan for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
Teachers and support staff will continue to communicate with families and students to meet individual needs including: offsite learning instruction and structure; school meals, consistent with what the District regularly provides; services for students with disability; and other services customarily provided to students. The board will meet on Tuesday, April 28 at 12:00 noon to take action on this recommendation.
While the Governor noted in his press conference yesterday that each school district in Montana will have local control on whether to return to in-class learning in some form, the guidelines for keeping students and staff safe (such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing in classrooms, and limiting groups to no more than 10) are very stringent and would be very difficult to accomplish in our school setting. In addition, we anticipate our local health department may provide recommendations for even stricter limitations for Flathead County.
The requirements set by the Governor and local health officials would make the logistics of on-site instruction tremendously impractical. We believe our current remote learning plan will be more effective and will be safer and healthier for all involved for the instructional weeks that remain in this school year.
We know the hardships remote learning has created for our families, and we are grateful for the continued support our families are providing during this challenging time.
The health and safety of our students, families, and staff remains our highest priority. We will continue to communicate with our families as we work through more details.
Best regards,
Important Information Regarding Governor Bullock's April 22 Announcement
April 22, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
Today Governor Bullock announced that he will lift the state-wide school closure directive as of Thursday, May 7 but also noted that he is not suggesting that schools return to normal for the remainder of this school year.
Flathead City-County Health Department officials will provide guidance and even possibly additional limitations as we look to make decisions. Evergreen School District will comply with local Health Department guidance and directives as we move forward.
We are currently working with other school districts in the valley, along with our Flathead City-County Health Department, in considering our safest options for the remainder of the school year.
While we recognize the hardships remote learning has created, the health and safety of our students, families, and staff is our highest priority.
We will share more information with you in the coming days.
Best regards,
Updates from Evergreen School District
April 16, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
Thank you all for your continued support since schools closed beginning Monday, March 16. Our students and staff are completing their fourth week of remote learning and their second week of full digital learning. As I have shared with our staff, I continue to be impressed with the great work staff is doing and with how well so many of our students and families are responding. We fully anticipate this closure lasting beyond April 24, and we will keep you updated as we receive more information. But, for a while at least (if not for the remainder of the year), we can all settle into our new normal. Remind your children not to be too hard on themselves. Remind them to take breaks. Remind them to take care of themselves. Remind them to get outside and exercise. We are all in this together, and it's looking to be more of a marathon than a sprint.
We consider students to be in attendance if someone from the school is in contact with them or if work is being turned in.
Administrators and counselors are contacting families of students who are not in regular communication with teachers.
Special education teachers are keeping a “service log” documenting the date, time, and purpose of contacts with students and parents for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Student Workload
We fully understand that we do not have the ability to have “normal” schoolwork being performed during these unusual circumstances. We are asking that students do their best.
The total daily workload for students should be no more than 1-2 hours per day for students in grades EK-6 and 2-3 hours per day for students in grades 7-8. Our teachers will be flexible with due dates and accept assignments that come in later than assigned or recommended. If the total daily workload seems greater than what is described above, please contact your child’s teacher for guidance.
Teaching of essential skills is still occurring, and your child's participation in remote learning will benefit your child going into next year.
Your child will continue to receive feedback on content standards.
Please continue to check your child’s Infinite Campus Portal, as teachers have started entering progress for 4th quarter. Assignments that are not turned in will be marked with an “M” (missing) until it is turned-in, which will help keep you informed about work that is being completed.
In making decisions for grading, we are keeping in mind the goal of how to best take care of our students. We do not want this crisis to harm students’ grades.
8th Grade History Trip and Promotion Ceremony
We have made the decision to cancel the 8th Grade History Trip this year. With the current situation and the unknowns of the remainder of the school year, we believe it is the best decision. Our 8th grade teachers are creating a virtual tour that will include all of the places we would go on the trip as well as additional “stops” related to science. During the final two weeks of school, our 8th graders will be participating in the virtual tour and activities related to the “stops.”
We are currently planning to host our 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony as an online celebration. More details will be shared as we develop plans.
We know that this is a difficult, unusual time for us all. When we are back in the classroom with regular contact with students, we will meet our students where they are and work to help them continue to learn and grow. What is most important right now is that students feel safe and supported.
We sure do miss our students.
Best regards,
Help with School Technology at Home
April 10, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
If your student needs help with any school technology being used for remote learning (Class Dojo, Google Classroom, Student Email, IXL, Istation, Prodigy, Reflex Math, Chromebooks, iPads, etc.), please reach out to our technology staff for assistance. In your email, please state your need and a good phone number and time to call you between 8:00-3:45 each weekday.
Email for Preschool-4th Grade Students at East Evergreen Elementary School and Crossroads.
Email for 5th-8th Grade Students at Evergreen Junior High School and Crossroads.
You may also call the school office, and the school office will have one of the staff members listed above contact you.
Best regards,
Schools Remain Closed through April 24, 2020
April 7, 2020
Dear Evergreen Staff and Families,
This afternoon, Governor Steve Bullock extended Directives Issued to Respond to COVID-19 Pandemic, including a continued school closure for students through Friday, April 24, 2020. We will continue to work with Governor Bullock and state health officials during this time period, and we will communicate with families and staff with additional information as it becomes available.
As a reminder, we have transitioned to digital learning opportunities for students and will continue to work to communicate regularly with our students through digital learning, email, and/or phone. For families with limited digital access, we are providing Weekly Essential Learning Standards so that families can continue to work with their child on grade-level skills. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher. You can find those standards here:
Remember that we continue to serve free breakfast and lunch daily from 11:30-12:30 at three locations (East Evergreen Elementary School, Evergreen Junior High School, and the Sheriff’s Posse on Shady Lane). We also have Mobile Heart Locker stops twice a day in Evergreen (12:45 at the Sheriff's Posse and 1:10 in the Kmart parking lot). The Mobile Heart Locker offers books, hoodies/hats, hygiene products, sleeping bags, weekly games/activities, toilet paper, and snack packs.
Remember, we also post all communications with families regarding school closures and remote learning on our website at
Thank you for your continued support. Please reach out if there is anything we can do to support your child and family in this process.
Best regards,
Digital Learning and Other Updates
April 6, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
Welcome to our first full week of digital learning! Last week, we sent home instructional packets for students. Thank you to all of you for being so diligent in picking those up and helping your child work through them. Teachers are continuing to reach out to answer questions and work through items in the packets, though they will not be asking students to return those packets. If your child has not yet connected with his or her teacher(s), please respond to this email so we can help connect you.
Below is some additional information to help with our transition to digital learning.
Transition to Digital Learning
Beginning today, Monday, April 6 and beyond (as needed) we will transition to more digital learning opportunities and work to communicate regularly with our students through digital learning, email, and/or phone.
Weekly Essential Learning Standards (for those with limited digital access)
For families with limited digital access, we are providing Weekly Essential Learning Standards so that families can continue to work with their child on grade-level skills. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher. You can find those standards here:
Important Legal Considerations for Some Google Applications
Our agreement with Google states that parental permission must be given for use of Youtube for students under the age of 18 and for use of Google Meet/Hangout for students under the age of 13. Parents, if your child’s teacher requests that your child use Youtube or Google Meet/Hangout, please be aware of this requirement and ensure your child has your consent if he or she is on either of these digital platforms.
Youtube Videos Sent from Teachers for Students
If a teacher sends your child a Youtube video link for instructional purposes, your child (with your consent) should watch the video link in the specific learning assignment and then immediately close the Youtube link and go on to the next step in the assignment (if applicable). If Youtube is not closed immediately after viewing the link, it may roll to another non-educational video that is not relevant to the assignment. The Evergreen School District is not responsible for and cannot control content on Youtube and urges parents to monitor your child’s use of these resources.
Please remember that we are continuing to serve free breakfast and lunch daily from 11:30-12:30 at three locations (East Evergreen Elementary School, Evergreen Junior High School, and the Sheriff’s Posse on Shady Lane).
We fully anticipate the Governor extending the school closure beyond this Friday, April 10. As soon as we receive official information regarding a possible school closure extension, we will share it with our families. We also post all communications with families on our website at
Thank you for your continued support during this unprecedented time in history. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support your child and family in this process.
Best regards,
Parent Survey and Individual Student Desks Available
March 31, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
Recently, we sent an email asking for your input to help our district continue to grow and improve. Unfortunately with the COVID-19 situation, there was a delay with collecting our parent surveys, and we are asking you to please consider completing the survey using the link emailed to you.
Please complete the survey no later than Friday, April 3, 2020. Each family should complete this survey only one time, even if you have multiple children in different schools within the district. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to working together to help our district continue to grow and improve.
Also, we have a limited number of individual student desks, available for pick up only, limited to one per family on a first come, first served basis. Pick up will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, April 1 and continue each day from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at East Evergreen Elementary School until all available desks are gone. Students from the elementary, junior high, and Crossroads are eligible to pick desks up at the elementary school. Desks picked up will be yours to keep and may not be returned.
Thank you for continuing to partner with us in your child's education.
Best regards,
Lunch and Instructional Packet Pick-Up Today from 11:30-12:30
March 30, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
Remote Learning Plan
TODAY, Monday, March 30, please pick up Student Instruction Packets for this week during lunch pick up from 11:30-12:30 at East Evergreen Elementary School or Evergreen Junior High School. We will work with families who need assistance in picking up packets.
April 6-10 and Beyond (if needed): We will transition to more digital learning opportunities and work to regularly communicate with your child through digital learning, email, and/or phone. When needed and possible, we will work to provide paper instruction.
Ask Your 3rd-8th Grade Students to Check School Email Accounts and Google Classroom Assignments
Using the Chrome search engine, have students login to their Google accounts using their school emails and school passwords. If you have questions, please email your students' teachers.
School Meals Plan (with some exciting additions coming April 1!)
On March 30-31, we will continue regular lunch services at the two school locations from 11:30-12:30.
For students who would like to walk to pick up meals at the Junior High, we have added a crossing guard from 11:30-12:30 each day at the intersection of Hwy 2 and Evergreen Drive.
On April 1, we will start serving breakfast. When students pick up lunch each day, they can also pick up breakfast for the next day. There will be one serving time, 11:30-12:30, to serve lunch for the current day and breakfast for the next day.
Also on April 1, we will begin a third meal service drive thru location each day from 11:30-12:30:
East Evergreen Elementary School Front Entrance Parking Lot
Evergreen Junior High School Cafeteria Parking Lot
Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse at 155 Shady Lane in Kalispell
We look forward to connecting with your students this week!
Best regards,
Schools to Remain Closed through April 10, 2020
March 24, 2020
Dear Evergreen Staff and Families,
This afternoon, Governor Steve Bullock announced a continued school closure for students through Friday, April 10, 2020. We will communicate additional information for staff through email later this week.
We will continue to work with Governor Bullock and state health officials during this time period, and we will communicate with families and staff with additional information as it becomes available.
As a reminder, please see information below on school meals and remote learning after spring break.
School Meals Plan (with some exciting additions coming April 1!)
On March 30-31, we will continue regular lunch services at the two school locations from 11:30-12:30.
For students who would like to walk to pick up meals at the Junior High, we have added a crossing guard from 11:30-12:30 each day at the intersection of Hwy 2 and Evergreen Drive.
On April 1, we will start serving breakfast. When students pick up lunch each day, they can also pick up breakfast for the next day. There will be one serving time, 11:30-12:30, to serve lunch for the current day and breakfast for the next day.
Also on April 1, we will begin a third meal service drive thru location each day from 11:30-12:30:
East Evergreen Elementary School Front Entrance Parking Lot
Evergreen Junior High School Cafeteria Parking Lot
Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse at 155 Shady Lane in Kalispell
Remote Learning Plan
March 16-20: Students were asked to work on Grade Level Recommended Essential Learning Standards Activities posted at
March 30-April 3: On Monday, March 30, please pick up Student Instruction Packets for the week during lunch pick up from 11:30-12:30 at East Evergreen Elementary School or Evergreen Junior High School. We will work with families who need assistance in picking up packets.
April 6-10 and Beyond (if needed): We will transition to more digital learning opportunities and work to regularly communicate with your child through digital learning, email, and/or phone. When needed and possible, we will work to provide paper instruction.
We hope you are enjoying time with your family during spring break, and we look forward to connecting with you again next week.
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Update on Additional Meal Services and Remote Learning Plan
March 20, 2020
Evergreen Families,
What a week it’s been! We are thinking of our families and students during what we know are stressful and anxious times. And, we are so appreciative of our teachers and staff for their flexibility, positivity, and kindness during what has been a challenging time for them as well. While we sure do miss our students, we are excited to continue our meal service and remote learning plan (if needed) to help our students stay connected to their school and teachers and to continue learning essential core standards.
Below are some updates for our upcoming plans.
School Meals Plan (with some exciting additions coming April 1!)
On March 30-31, we will continue regular lunch services at the two school locations from 11:30-12:30.
For students who would like to walk to pick up meals at the Junior High, we have added a crossing guard from 11:30-12:30 each day at the intersection of Hwy 2 and Evergreen Drive.
On April 1, we will start serving breakfast. When students pick up lunch each day, they can also pick up breakfast for the next day. There will be one serving time, 11:30-12:30, to serve lunch for the current day and breakfast for the next day.
Also on April 1, we will begin a third meal service drive thru location each day from 11:30-12:30:
East Evergreen Elementary School Front Entrance Parking Lot
Evergreen Junior High School Cafeteria Parking Lot
Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse at 155 Shady Lane in Kalispell
Remote Learning Plan
March 16-20: Students were asked to work on Grade Level Recommended Essential Learning Standards Activities posted at
March 30-April 3 (if needed): On Monday, March 30, please pick up Student Instruction Packets for the week during lunch pick up from 11:30-12:30 at East Evergreen Elementary School or Evergreen Junior High School. We will work with families who need assistance in picking up packets.
April 6-10 and Beyond (if needed): We will transition to more digital learning opportunities and work to regularly communicate with your child through digital learning, email, and/or phone. When needed and possible, we will work to provide paper instruction.
From all of us in the Evergreen School District, we wish you and your family well.
Best regards,
Updated Spectrum Internet Information
March 18, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
We have an updated number for Spectrum Internet Services: 1-855-707-7328.
Remember, if your family is currently without internet access and is interested in inquiring about this service, please call this number.
Also, we've made our guidelines for families to follow at home this week a little easier to work with. Use this link for the revised document: Grade Level Recommended Essential Learning Standards Activities.
You should be hearing from one of your child's teachers this week to check in and see how your child is doing and to see if there are any questions or help needed with the resources provided.
And, don't forget that the District is providing a “Grab & Go” sack lunch at no cost through Friday of this week from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at each school.
Take care, and remember to wash your hands!
Best regards,
Grade Level Recommended Essential Learning Standards Activities
March 17, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
Today, our staff met to begin planning and preparing for this first week of school closure. Our primary goals are to keep students moving forward on essential learning standards, meet the needs of individual students, and keep the health and safety of our students and staff in mind. As you are aware, information is continually changing, and we appreciate your patience as we work together to make informed, best decisions for our Evergreen learning community.
We are providing some guidelines for families to follow at home this week to continue work on specific essential learning standards, which you can find here: Grade Level Recommended Essential Learning Standards Activities. Please refer to your child’s grade level in the attached document to see suggested activities from our teachers. We are also providing free, online educational resources for those families with internet access. These activities require minimal setup on your part. Please look through these resources, and use them, along with the recommendations from our teachers, to practice essential learning standards.
If your family is currently without internet access, Spectrum has announced its Student Remote Learning Access Plan. This plan will provide families with K-12 students (without a current internet subscription) free internet access for 60 days. Spectrum is not requiring a contract and will provide all hardware needed to set up the internet connection. Please call 1-588-707-7328 if you are interested in inquiring about this service.
If you have specific questions regarding learning activities for your child, please contact your child’s individual teacher(s), as they will be responding to email. We will continue to update you with information regarding student learning expectations and conditions as we receive information and work to adjust our plan as a district.
Also, please be reminded that the District is providing a “Grab & Go” sack lunch at no cost to all children under the age of 18 years old through Friday of this week. We will have two pick-up locations, Evergreen Junior High School cafeteria parking lot and the entrance to East Evergreen Elementary School, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day of lunch service this week. You may drive up to either location and tell us how many lunches you need for the kids in your household, and then we will deliver them to your car or hand them to you directly. Students may also walk up to receive their lunch.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to work together to keep our staff, students, and communities safe.
Take care, and wash your hands!
Best regards,
Free Lunches during School Closure This Week
March 16, 2020
Dear Evergreen Staff and Families,
Thank you for your patience as we work to communicate and keep you up-to-date on plans for our students while they are out of school.
Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17 and continuing through this Friday, March 20 (not during spring break), the District will provide a “Grab & Go” sack lunch at no cost to all children under the age of 18 years old. We will have two pick-up locations, Evergreen Junior High School cafeteria parking lot and the entrance to East Evergreen Elementary School, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day of lunch service this week. You may drive up to either location and tell us how many lunches you need for the kids in your household, and then we will deliver them to your car or hand them to you directly. Students may also walk up to receive their lunch.
Also, tomorrow afternoon, you will receive an email from our District with Recommendations for Families to Continue Learning Essential Standards. Please be sure to check your emails to receive important updates and communication throughout our school closure.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your school’s principal.
Thank you again for your understanding.
Best regards,
Superintendent's email addresses school closing
March 15, 2020
Dear Evergreen Staff and Families,
This is Laurie Barron, superintendent of the Evergreen School District. Beginning tomorrow, March 16, 2020, all Evergreen Schools will be closed for students through March 27. Keep in mind that March 23-27 is our scheduled spring break.
This afternoon, Governor Steve Bullock announced a directive to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Part of his order directed that all non-residential public schools in Montana be closed through March 27, 2020. Other than administrators and year round staff, Evergreen Schools will not require staff to report to work tomorrow, Monday, March 16, 2020. We understand that our staff need time to coordinate plans with their families as well. Our schools remain open for all staff needs but closed for students.
We will continue to work with Governor Bullock and state health officials during this time period. We will communicate with families and staff with additional information as it becomes available.
We know that this situation has created challenges for us all.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. For now, enjoy your time with you children, and let us know if we can be of any assistance.
Best regards,
Flathead Valley Coronavirus Update
March 13, 2020
Dear Evergreen Staff and Families,
The intent of this letter is to keep our staff and families informed of the most recent and current information we have available regarding the coronavirus. While the symptoms of the coronavirus for the majority of people may be mild (especially for children), we do know that coronavirus can be very severe for a number of individuals; these patients may even require medical treatment. For that reason, today Flathead Valley superintendents had two separate meetings, one with the Montana Office of Public Instruction and one with the Flathead City-County Health Department. Please note that neither the Montana Office of Public Instruction nor the Flathead City-County Health Department is recommending that we close schools at this time. Therefore, our schools remain open at this time.
However, we are using this opportunity to plan ahead and communicate with all of our families. There are currently no confirmed coronavirus cases in Montana, but we are aware that may change as more testing kits become available to our state healthcare facilities. This situation remains very fluid, with our schools receiving information daily and sometimes hourly. We will continue to meet with area school districts and our Flathead City-County Health Department because our communities are interconnected.
Guidelines for School Closure
In the event we have a confirmed case of coronavirus in or associated with a school in the Flathead Valley, we will work collaboratively with the lead local health official to determine next steps. Currently, our plan will include closing the impacted school for a minimum of three days. This closure will:
Give local health officials and school staff time to assess exposure of the known case within the school and trace the person’s contact history;
Allow school officials time to perform a thorough cleaning of the school, with particular attention to areas frequented by the known case;
Provide time for public health staff, assisted by school staff, to identify and communicate with families of students or staff who are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus due to an underlying health condition;
Create time for the school to prepare for possible virtual learning or take-home work that would allow students who may miss a significant period of time (due to quarantine or underlying health issues) to be supported and continue their education; and
Develop a plan to provide for additional support as needed once the school re-opens.
Recommendations for Spring Break Travel
As spring break approaches, be aware that travel to some areas may result in restrictions for school attendance upon return. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued travel advisories for areas experiencing the coronavirus epidemic. Right now, the CDC is recommending that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to China, Iran, South Korea, and Europe. You can check for updates at the following site:
Please note that:
Any staff or student returning from a CDC designated Level 3 location will be required to stay home for 14 days after returning to the United States. (These advisories can change on short notice, as the disease spreads. If staff or students travel to a location that is added to the list prior to the end of spring break, they will be held to the same standards.)
Staff or students who return and are sick with a fever or cough or who have trouble breathing should call their health-care provider before seeking medical care in order to avoid spreading the disease to others in the medical setting.
If a person has a respiratory infection and a fever after interacting with someone who recently traveled to an impacted area, he or she should call a health-care provider as soon as possible.
We acknowledge that postponing or canceling plans can be inconvenient and difficult, but we are asking staff and students to re-evaluate spring break plans if they intend nonessential travel.
Recommendations for Nonessential Large Group Gatherings
On the advice of the Flathead City-County Health Department, Flathead Valley schools will continue to evaluate nonessential large group gatherings. The purpose of this evaluation is to slow the rate at which people get sick in order to prevent overwhelming the healthcare system (often referred to as “flattening the curve”).
We urge all staff, students, and community members to continue to follow the protocols recommended by healthcare professionals in order to protect yourself and prevent the spread of illness.
We will continue to communicate more information as it becomes available. Please continue to monitor the District’s webpage and other social media accounts for updates. You may also find information on the Flathead City-County Health Department website at
Thank you for your understanding as we continue to work together to keep our staff, students, and communities safe.
Best regards,
Health Awareness and Precautions
March 6, 2020
Dear Evergreen Families,
In response to the national health concern regarding the coronavirus, we are sharing the following information to assist in keeping our homes, schools, and community safe and healthy environments.
COVID-19 is a newly discovered coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. This virus can cause respiratory symptoms ranging from the common cold to severe pneumonia. Cases have now been identified in Washington State, but there are no confirmed cases in Montana at this time. Persons at greatest risk are the elderly and those with existing health issues.
This virus spreads from person to person and is thought to mostly do this via respiratory droplets when coughing. The common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
To reduce transmission of airborne illnesses, including COVID-19, the CDC recommends individuals and families follow everyday preventive measures:
Voluntary Home Isolation: Stay home when you are sick with respiratory disease symptoms. At the present time, these symptoms are more likely due to influenza or other respiratory viruses than to COVID-19-related virus.
Respiratory Etiquette: Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and then throw the tissue in the trash can.
Hand Hygiene: Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60%-95% alcohol.
Environmental Health Action: Routinely clean frequently touched surfaces and objects.
Routine use of these measures by individuals and their families will increase community resilience and readiness for responding to an outbreak. For more information from the Center for Disease Control, please click on the following links:
What you need to know about the Coronavirus
What to do if you suspect you may be infected with the Coronavirus
Some good reminders on germ management
While a new type of illness can be scary, we can protect our students, staff, and the broader community by using these simple everyday actions that protect people from different types of respiratory viruses. Our staff is working carefully to encourage these simple and effective habits of frequent handwashing, covering every cough or sneeze, and cleaning classroom tables/surfaces frequently. These steps are important not just to help prevent the spread of coronavirus but to also help prevent the spread of other infections that can lead to staff and student illnesses and absences.
Some specific steps the Evergreen School District has taken to address concerns are:
Cleaning schools on a regular basis with added precautions to disinfect hard surfaces and areas that have high use.
Working closely with other schools in the valley, along with our Flathead City County Health Department, to determine best practices and possible conditions that could impact school schedules. Click here for an informational letter from the Flathead City County Health Department. Their website can be accessed at
Staying in close contact with the Montana Office of Public Instruction and the State of Montana DPHHS. State information can be found at: Click here to watch a press conference conducted yesterday by the Governor’s office.
Staying current on breaking news coming from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) directed at schools. You can find additional information at
We will continue to work together and keep you informed on this important issue. Rest assured we will work diligently in maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Best regards,

Dr. Laurie Barron Superintendent
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the district doing to clean and sanitize buildings, buses, etc.?
Cleaning and disinfecting are part of a broad approach to preventing infectious diseases in schools. Other measures include staying home when sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and washing hands often.
Is the district prepared for long-term closure?
In the event of a long-term closure, efforts would be made for the provision of distance-based learning for students (i.e., Internet instruction, community channel broadcast) to maintain continuity of education.
Concern or question?
Student and staff safety is our top priority. If you have a question, concern or comment about any health or safety issue, please let us know.
Ask a Question...
Ask a question to your school building Principal or to the District Superintendent by clicking on the link(s) below.
Sherry Odegard, Principal East Evergreen Elementary School
Kim Anderson, Principal Evergreen Junior High School
Do you know someone who is in crisis, or are you in crisis?
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call the Montana Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7 1-800-273-Talk (1-800-273-8255).
Or, use the Crisis Text Line, text MT to 741-741.

Additional resources
Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions: